Yes, I know... I am already some time on EMC

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Grasshppper, May 27, 2012.


Did you already know me?

Yes 8 vote(s) 72.7%
No 3 vote(s) 27.3%
  1. Yes, I am already on Empire Minecraft for something like 150 days, but I thought an introduction would be nice...

    Things you need to know:

    - I am Dutch
    - I am from the Netherlands
    - I am 13 years old... not really old I know...
    - I usually play on smp5, the fifth server of Empire MInecraft... :p
    - My skype name is: marknaaijer (Please say in the message you send me your IGN)
    - I think my favourite is blue.
    - My favourite animals are Guinea Pigs (got them home)
    - I got an awesome potion shop at my res: 10215
    - There is a regular shop to!

    - This is my selfportrait I made at school: (maybe turn it yourself)


    I think this are a few things you want to know about me, but please do not say Welcome or something like that. Because I am already a 150 or more days on Empire Minecraft...
    harmfulharm, Jakres, Terr and 2 others like this.
  2. EDIT: I am 125 days at Empire Minecraft!
    harmfulharm, Jakres, Terr and 2 others like this.
  3. Who did know me?
    harmfulharm, Jakres, Terr and 2 others like this.
  4. Not good, but now you know me :)
    harmfulharm, Jakres, Terr and 2 others like this.
  5. lol.
    TrueJob and marknaaijer like this.
  6. i did
    TrueJob and marknaaijer like this.
  7. Cool, let's look how many people know me and how many doesn't! :D
    harmfulharm, Jakres, Terr and 3 others like this.