[AUCTION] Horse Armor - Iron, gold and diamond.

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by wassatthen, Dec 22, 2016.

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  1. Item : 10 sets of unused horse armor:

    4 x iron horse armor
    4 x gold horse armor
    2x Diamond horse armor

    Starting bid : 5,000 rupees
    Minimum Bid Increment : 1,000 rupees
    Auction Ends 24 hours after the last valid bid
  2. Aargh I meant a starting bid of 5,000. How can I edit this?
  3. You can hit the report button on the first post and tell staff to lower minimum bid increment to 5k as wished :D
  4. Adjusted starting bid :)
    Sgt_Pepper4 likes this.
  5. 5k I can always give these out as gifts. :p
  6. Thanks
  7. xSkitzie has won this. Please make payment and I will set up an access chest on wassatthen 2 on utopia.
  8. xSkitzie, you won this, please pay for it.
  9. You might want to send him a PM on the forums or look him up in game.
  10. I am so so sorry! I didn't see this! Not sure why making payment now!
  11. Paid So so sorry, I work a full time job and sometimes, my internet gets goofy, so I don't see notifications as I should!
    AlexC__ likes this.
  12. Thanks! Payment made, transaction completed.
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