[Giveaway] Holiday Giveaway I Guess

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by figglebottomreal, Dec 15, 2016.

  1. I recently posted an auction on a DC of obsidian. I bought too much lava, so I'm going to give away 4 DCs of lava for FREEEEEEE! I'll just sell the rest. In order to get a lot of lava, you need to post a number between 1 and 50 and what you want as a gift for the holidays. I'll use a random number generator to pick. Deadline to submit a number is 12/22/16, so hurry!

    Tuqueque and Tyron87 like this.
  2. Sounds nifty! I'll take 37, and the gift I want is a snow day. :p
  3. Need some lava to keep warm! I want a white Christmas eve/day this year.
    #16 please. :D
  4. As 16 is already taken *sigh*, I'll take 14.
    What I want is my family to be together this Christmas, no fights and a day without my sister annoying me.
  5. Can I have 7. What I want for Christmas is to be alone and to play emc and to give out presents
  6. "All I want for Christmas is youuuu"
    Yeah 'you' = To go back home for the first time in three years! How I miss New York…
    Number 43 please!
    CallumDAKing likes this.
  7. Thanks for the giveaway! Number 17 please
  8. Bump! There are still a lot of numbers open!
  9. 24

    Thanks for giveaway and happy holidays
  10. Ill take number 47 and I want to have a world where peace is dominant instead of war
  11. Congrats. You won! I'll set up pickup at the back of my res when I get on.
    Duflet likes this.