[EVENT & GIVEAWAY] Marvel's Winter Drop Party

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by 99marvel, Dec 11, 2016.


What days of the week work best for you? (It's Christmas Break for a lot of us)

Sunday 8 vote(s) 26.7%
Monday 9 vote(s) 30.0%
Tuesday 9 vote(s) 30.0%
Wednesday 10 vote(s) 33.3%
Thursday 9 vote(s) 30.0%
Friday 10 vote(s) 33.3%
Saturday 14 vote(s) 46.7%
Meh 10 vote(s) 33.3%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Hello Everyone!

    It has been a very long time since I've done a drop party, so I thought I'd throw one! The drop party will take place December 26th, the day after Christmas at the Lapis Pyramid at 18007 on smp9, right in the center of the pyramid around the Christmas tree. If you would like to put in any last minute donations, there is a donation chest set up at 18007, and if you tell me what you donate I will gladly add you to the list of donations. What I can say, there will be at least two Avalaunchers and a Notch Apple up for grabs!

    Also! I've decided to make this a 2 part event. The second part will be a giveaway here in the forums! So, all you gotta do is post a reply below with a number between 1 and 99, and tell us what's one thing you're looking forward to in 2017. Make sure you check and see if anyone else has posted a number before you post yours, each number can only be posted once, and please do not use alts to get multiple numbers. At the time of the drop party (which will be decided on shortly) I'll draw 3 random numbers and the prizes will be given out to the people with the closest number. The prizes are as follows:

    Giveaway Prizes:
    An Avalauncher
    5,000 rupees!
    2x Notch Apple

    Drop Party Details:
    What: Drop Party! (free stuff :p)
    Where: 18007 on Smp9
    Date: December 26
    Time: 1:00 PM EMC

    Notable Drops:
    2x Avalauncher
    Notch Apple
    Enchanted gear
    Starter gear
    Dragon Stone Fragments
    Several hundred thousand worth of common items!


    Fexu: 2 avalaunchers! Thanks fex!
    Thayf13: Gold, Diamonds, a Notch Apple and Horse Armor
    SFFL44: A ton of cactus... and a stack of cactus renamed "diamonds" ... ._.
    BlinkyBinky and Tuqueque like this.
  2. Taken Numbers:

    9 - Raaynn
    10 - demonic1234
    11 - _Zoway_
    13 - Thayf13
    16 - feathers1664
    17 - Sachrock
    19 - AnonReturns
    22 - jossytheninja
    24 - TheGuineapig
    25 - NuclearBobomb
    27 - KungFuCactus
    46 - Duflet
    51 - xSkitzie
    53 - mega_dragon1234
    70 - cam7051
    77 - Skelemas2k16
    87 - Tyron87
    88 - mrmoustache2088
    jossytheninja likes this.
  3. My number is THIRTEEN OF COURSE (13). I look forward to being a year closer to getting out of college.
    BlinkyBinky likes this.
  4. My number is 16 (also you might want to add that there are no alts allowed). I'm looking forward to new opportunities and hopefully getting Diamond Supporter (for at least a month).
  5. Sounds shiny, I'll try to be there :)
    Oh, uh, 46.
    [EDIT] I somehow managed to miss the bright orange bit of the OP.
    In 2017, I'm looking forward to finishing up this school year, and hopefully will learn from my mistakes and choose classes that I actually enjoy for the next year. :p
  6. Number 10. Looking forward to a better year that doesn't involve drama, but also looking forward to playing a new game that's coming out about a year or two so that's gonna keep me going!
  7. Ah yes, thank you, I will do that. :)
  8. 27, and i look forward to the spiderman homecoming movie and guardians of the galaxy 2. the trailer looks pretty cool.
  9. yay marvel you so niiice :p number 22 please :) and I'm looking forward to the new Mass Effect game :O
  10. 25 plz, im looking forward to the end of the school year :p
  11. I pick 51 please! I look forward to boosting my FX Makeup career and becoming a better Hair Stylist than I already am :D and thank you!
  12. Thanks for running this event
    Looking forward to a fresh new year, lots of thing that I want to do in 2017
    #87 please :)
  13. 70 Please =)
  14. #11 is my number, and always has been. Its my lucky number!

    In 2017 I hope to just get a fresh start and make some friends, thats always been a struggle in real life. I hope peace can come to the world and people will begin to realise the pleasures and beauty of life. Merry Christmas!

    -MishFish Xx
  15. No 9! Tx

    Have you been good this year?
  16. Yes :p

    You guys all have great stuff to look forward to in 2017!
  17. I'll take 53 plz and I'm looking forward to the holidays and snow!!!!!
  18. I hope to make this amazing thing and I will take #77
    I hope to see an amazing new year's party on TV
  19. Alright! Saturday is the most popular day according to the poll, but that will be either Christmas eve or New Years Eve... The drop party will be Monday, December 26th, and 1:00 PM EMC :)
    jossytheninja likes this.
  20. I'm looking forward to Half-Life 3 in 2017 (a man can dream)
    I'll take 24, thanks for the giveaway and good luck to everyone!