Yet Another Contest! - Wallpaper Contest

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by GameKribJim, Apr 19, 2012.

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  1. amen.
  2. can u slightly modify the logo?? ex. make the 'a' look like a creeper
  3. or change the backround color??
  4. That shouldn't be an issue, long as you don't take it too far.

  5. Well apparently with certain plugins it is possible to use gifs as a wallpaper. So if you want to go ahead. But I will be noting it when people vote.
  6. Try just attaching the image to your post instead of using imgur?
  7. Won't let me, the file size is too big. -_-

    It's fine, I'll just leave it as is. Thanks anyways. ^_^
  8. why dont you just uplode it to mediafire
  9. Yeah didn't know there was a limit. Its nice to see someone else who cares about the quality difference between PNG and JPEG.
    BobTheTomato9798 and ISMOOCH like this.
  10. i didnt have photoshop mine was a comeplete fail
  11. Do player skins count as copyrighted material?
  12. No, as far as i know no1 has ever copyrighted a skin (maybe notch or mojang staff but rest is ok)
  13. Should i post here my wallpapers before uploading?
  14. Ok, ill do:


    EDIT: added this also, for people that likes "street" style.

    Use them if you want :)
    Just gimme a bit of credit, please.
    nmanley, JackBiggin and SecretAznEks like this.
  15. The beautiful me is in the bottom left corner! :) Saw these when you tweeted them earlier, they're epic! :D
    copherfield likes this.
  16. Why can't I be in the first one :(
    All joking aside, they're awesome. I better step up my game :p
  17. Humm, that gives me ideas...
  18. Very nice D! :D
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