Set of God Armour

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by TamTamV, Apr 11, 2016.

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  1. Items:
    1 Diamond Chestplate with Enchants : Protection IV, Unbreaking III
    1 Diamond Leggings with Enchants: Protection IV, Unbreaking III
    1 Diamond Helmet with Enchants: Protection IV, Unbreaking III, Respiration III, Aqua Affinity I
    1 Diamond Boots with Enchants: Protection IV, Unbreaking III, Depth Strider III, Feather Falling IV

    Starting Bid: 18k
    Bid Increment: 1k
    Auction Ends: 48hours after last valid bid.
    Birosquinha, jacobd65 and KevCode like this.
  2. Bump! :)
    Thanks petunia. This is my first attempt auctioning enchanted armour. We'll see how it goes, lotsa blood sweat and time went into making it ;)
  3. 19k (in big golden letters, so it's worth more than regular 19k)
    SkareCboi, TamTamV and ArkWarrior1 like this.
  4. 20k
    TamTamV likes this.
  5. Bump!! :) still a great deal!
  6. No thorns? hehe 21k Orange FTW
    TamTamV likes this.
  7. I personally loathe thorns. :) cause it takes a bit to repair amour.... and it's not fun if it decreases its durability so much faster! I'd rather have generalized protection against all the baddies! :)
  8. I'm bidding just for you, Chocolate. In fact, I didn't even look at the items before placing this bid.

    -=+=- 24k -=+=-
  9. -=+=- 26k -=+=-
  10. Dangit Penguin, 30k
  11. -=+=-
  12. Penguin, minimum increment is 1k. Therefore 30.5k is an invalid bid. Try again, please.
  13. Sorry, like I said I didn't read the first post. :p
    TamTamV likes this.
  14. You can just have it. I spent money on two vault pages on armor recently. I don't need it, lol.
    jacobd65 and PenguinDJ like this.
  15. I'm taking it.. :) 45k
    TamTamV likes this.
  16. Will this be the last bump? :D
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