I'd be willing to do this for you. I do have some questions, however: When it comes to getauthkey, you say that it should return an authentication key, or create one. It should also be associated with their account, it says. Where do these "accounts" come from? It's the only place you mention "account", and it's not clear whether getauthkey creates accounts, or merely associates authentication keys with accounts. I take it this is meant to work against an already existing database structure? If so, I'm going to need a copy of the database structure, and some example (or real) data to work with. I don't really understand the purpose of authentication keys if it's as easy as doing getauthkey through your API for anyone to get a hold of them. I mean, if I were an evil outsider who learned of your API, I could just grab any authentication key for any parent I wanted to simply by calling getauthkey. Either I've missed something, you haven't explained enough or you haven't thought this through enough. Your list command lists variables. I assume you mean variable names? Does it also list functions? If not, would you want a listfunctions command or similar? Speaking of missing commands, you don't seem to have one for showing parent relationships. Is this going to be integrated with an existing framework, or will it be standalone? I'd want to use a framework to create the API, would this be fine with you? I mostly use Symfony in my work, but I'd be fine with using something entirely different too. I'm actually thinking Silex would be appropriate for this project. What version of PHP is supported on the server this will run? As for payment, I'm not particularly greedy or needy. Just give me whatever you find my work to be worth when you receive it, should you accept me as your developer.
Work on the project has begun! Gotcha. So there's going to be a default account for you with all permissions, basically. And then you'll go from there, using the API to add all the other parents and the values and so forth. At least that's how I have interpreted it. Let me know if I'm off. Yeah, it all makes sense now. I was thinking it would list the permitted functions. Listing all functions wouldn't be much help. I'll leave this one out for now, unless you can specify more clearly what you'd want that command to do. I can always add more to your API as time goes on, should you want more features. Yeah, I'm a big fan of using frameworks. Conversely, I'm not a very big fan of writing messy spaghetti code. As you requested, I'll make sure to include plenty of comments in my code so that people who are not me (most likely you, eh?) can understand what's going on if they're not familiar with what I'm doing. Don't worry too much about the money. If you're low right now, you can pay me later. I like these little projects, so they're sort of rewarding on their own. I will take a look at your collection, though. Maybe there's something I'd want.
Explain to me how the clear/delete functions are going to deal with being called without a specific parent. It says "it will delete that variable from everyone who has it/set that variable to its default for everyone who has it." How does that work with the authentication system? Will it only work on those parents you have access to, or do you literally mean everyone? Which is to say that the clear/delete functions will only check for permission to use the functions and not care otherwise?
Even though there's an offer of rupee payments, still doesn't relate to in game business and services - so moved it to Misc.