[GIVEAWAY] Blue's Birthday

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Exent, Mar 6, 2016.

  1. My Birthday is on March 9th. I thought that I would have a little giveaway to the EMC community. So here is the Items I will be giving away.

    1st Prize
    Iron Supporter Voucher
    Blue Birthday Sword

    2nd Prize

    Three 130 Speed horses

    3 Saddles

    3rd Prize
    10,000 Rupees
    Blue Birthday Sword

    How Do I Enter This Giveaway?

    Comment down bellow and tell me what is your favorite birthday present. Then Comment what was your favorite birthday and what did you do that day. Please put your name in the comment to :). Winners will (Should) be chosen by March 9th 6 PM EMC time. If I am not on after that time, I will not add any entries to the giveaway. Winners will be chosen by random.org.

    Good Luck And Have Fun :)
  2. Here are the numbers

    1. PhoenixAffinity
    2. Crazy_CJ.
    3. Birosquinha
    4. Batroach
    5. Omegian04
    6. Dshadowx1
    7. LittleBlueBun
    10. XxGreenPandasxX
    13. Dufne
    14. gladranger7
    17. Skyward_Blue
    19. Sparticals
    20. SkeleTin007
    21. tnt_creeper64
    22. ESSELEM
    27. luckycordel
    31. snappes27
    33. Agent_Notch
    38. Keliris
    42. cowland123
    46. BearJedi
    47. PlasmaBanana
    50. nuclearbobomb
    snappes27 and gladranger7 like this.
  3. may i have 21 plz thx
  4. I would like to enter, awesome rewards! My favorite birthday present is my 3ds :)
    The best birthday I had was my 18th, me and my family went out to see the Blue Man Group at the local theater :)
    Also 25 since it seems people get to choose their own numbers.
  5. My favorite birthday present was my minecraft account :p
    My favorite birthday was when I uh... had these delicious brownies.
    I would love 38.
  6. my favorite birthday present was my xbox one and my favorite was my 11
  7. My favourite Birthday Present: My laptop Because i can play minecraft! :D My favourite Birthday Party: My 9th birthday because i got to go skating with my friends and i got a pair of free skates! :D and if i could could i have a certain number? if so 7 xD
  8. Like Kel, I got my minecraft a few days after my birthday as a gift from my brother.
    My best birthday was a 6 month late party my best friend held for me. She had multiple people show up and even made a cake for me.
    I'll take 13 please. :D
  9. gotta go with # 19 m8 :) and my best present was Minecraft, i spent the whole day playing it ^u^
  10. My favorite birthday gift would probably be when I got my first IPod I mean its nothing like phones and ipods are now but you know oh well. My favorite birthday would be actually this year because we had fondue, I got cookies, gift cards, some yummy scroodle, and I got to be with my family. :D:p
    Could I have number 10?
    Omegian04 likes this.
  11. My favorite gift was my iPhone :)
    My favorite birthday was my first. I wouldnt be here without it :)
    But my fr favorite birthday was my 11th when I camped out with friends :)

    If you allow number choosing. I would like #5.
  12. My favorite present was a year of lootcrate, and my favorite birthday was at a rollerskating place. I'll take 47 please.
  13. 42 please, my favorite present is probably the ku-kri I got for Christmas because it represented trust.
  14. 27 please. My favorite was a pocket knife, my son gave me. 10 years ago, I still carry it today.:D
  15. Number two please. My favourite gift was a Swiss Army knife my girlfriend gave to me. My favourite birthday was 13th, I went skydiving
  16. My favorite present had to be a bunch of books I got when I was 12. They were all from my friends and relatives, and the total cost of them was over 500$.

    I'll take 46.
  17. my favorite birthday present was when I got a The Hobbit in Hebrew (cool right!?) when I turned 15. I would like 14 plz :D
  18. I tried to remember specific birthday gifts I got over the years but apparently can't :confused:. Anyway, my friends threw me a really awesome party when I turned 21, and that I'll always remember.
  19. My favorite birthday gift was prob a 300$ LEGO star destroyer. That was last year, and my favorite birthday. #17 FTW.