New Audio Vlog

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by darryshan, May 4, 2012.

  1. Hi Guys, darryshan here.

    I'm starting a vlog (audio but it will have related pics in the background) on a weekly basis. It will go up on Tuesdays but the first one will go up this weekend. Be sure to check my channel at for new videos! Thanks to iSmooch and hayleycolgan for getting me back into the YouTubes :D
    hayleycolgan and ISMOOCH like this.
  2. Definitly subbing and favoriting everything.. awesome voice... awesome attitude... lots of <3's for this kid xD
  3. awesome, i'll be sure to tune in ;)
  4. Do you think it would be okay to use the Empire logo for a splash screen?
  5. Here it is anyway :D