Moderator Application [Updated February 17th, 2012]

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by GameKribJEREMY, Nov 25, 2011.

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  1. If it was before Feb 17 you need to send it again anyway. :)
    Squizzel_Boy likes this.
  2. Oh, okay. Thanks. I was just making sure, because... well you know, yeah
    MR2R2M likes this.
  3. i have just applied for moderatorbut if it doesnt happen it doesnt happen
  4. And everyone remember. After gamekribJEREMY of Justinguy read your application and think that you might have what it takes to be a moderator I don't think they simply hand over the job to you. They will keep an eye on you when your online. What you are doing, how you discuss things with your fellow peers and if you are ready to take on such a big role on EMC. For example, simply saying a sentence like " me likez zee nou opdate wit de gugle tres" will probably ruin your chances. You must have a good image in the empire. Don't start fights. Don't continue an argument with someone until it gets so bad that you both get a 5 hour ban. Tell the person that you don't want to argue and work towards a possible solution. That is what a moderator should be made of! :D

  5. (in case you filled it and you got no answer after 2 months or so... xD)
    bowser991 likes this.
  6. I know i am not going to be a mod :eek:

    That sucks ;(



    Don't multi-post spam again. - Twitch1
  7. How do i apply
  8. hwo you see if its accepted???
  9. how*
  10. patience young one
    SecretAznEks and nnnnmc1 like this.
  11. I love how everyone criticized Slozon and guess who's a mod? HIM! It's kinda ironic.
  12. Where is the forum to apply for the position of Moderator?
  13. Look at the first page where it says CLICK HERE to fill it out. Hope I helped!
    Best of luck! :D
  14. Please explain?
  15. Slozon is an old mod. He's been dead though and was demodded quite some time ago.
    mining_jawa likes this.
  16. Dead? Do you mean R.I.P?
    or just hasnt been online?
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