[AUCTION] 2 DC's of Mob Heads - 2 DC's of Food!

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Hoi, Feb 2, 2014.

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  1. Bump!
    cutejuliew likes this.
  2. Hmm.... 17,171r.
  3. These shall be mine! 17,777r!
  4. These...
    MIIIIINE! 18250r.
  5. MINE, DON'T EVEN TRY. 19000R
  6. Around 351r/head as the unit rate now
    Mirr0rr likes this.
  7. Seriously? 21k
  8. Bump! The pork would be around 5k, and the beef around 6k. Endear man heads are worth 750r a piece.. :p
  9. This. Will. Be. MINE!!!! 23k
  10. I'm back, baby! (Power outage -_-)
  11. 26k. This is going to go on until only one person has enough rupees to bid, isn't it?
  12. So I have won, I presume? :confused:
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