[Drop Party!] New Years DP [100,000 rupees+!]

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by xHaro_Der, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. So, conveniently enough, my 200th day actually falls under December 28th! I decided to do a combo celebration with my 200th and Christmas at first, but there's already a ton of Christmas events and most people have a full schedule during that time anyway; so I decided to go for New Years!

    Time - January 2nd @ 5:00 PM EST (Use Google for a time converter)

    Where - The drop party will be held at SMP1 /v 1148! However, there are some things you need to know. There will not be anything in the lobby, as it not directly where it's going to be. When you spawn, you will easily notice a message board right in front of you. Just follow the instructions on it to go :)

    As I said earlier, I plan to have at least 100,000 rupees worth of prizes given out! There could be more and I may adjust this number as we get closer. The date is also subject to change but I'll be sure to update everything and post a reply saying so. I will not change it within 2 days of the event so you'll at least have that much warning. Please be sure to attend!

    Happy Holidays & New Year!
    -iHaro Inc.
  2. Cant make it.
  3. Sorry :\

    What time zone are you? Maybe if it doesn't work for enough people I could tweak the timing to work better.
  4. I'll see if I can make it :)
    xHaro_Der likes this.
  5. Sydney, Austraila. Event is at 7am Brisbane it will be at 6am Melbourne it will be at 7am
  6. Alright, I'll see what I can do :)
  7. Noooo

    Why does it have to be during school? :(
  8. I'll try to come. I think I can make it. But as soon as read how old you were, these were my thoughts:
    Woah, he's only 200 days?
    Yup, I remember reading that somewhere.
    Why is everybody so much more successful than me?
    Probably cuz you're too lazy to build a shop.
    Shut up and get back to reading the thread!
    Anyway, this sounds great! You will have one of the first events of 2014. :)
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx, xHaro_Der and samsimx like this.
  9. dont worry hash im more then 200 days and i have never even broken 50k :) and i have a moderately successful shop when its open on smp6
    hashhog3000 likes this.
  10. You have school 3 days before new years?
  11. and two days after christmas?
    samsimx likes this.
  12. Explain your self...
  13. I will try my best to be ther Haro :D.
  14. If you 100% can't make it; I'd really love to know your time zone because clearly my time frame needs to be reworked :)
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  15. Maybe try 5pm. That seems to be a decent time for everyone. 9amish for the Australians, 2pm for the West Coasts, and 10pm for the GMT, and for the most part, everyone else falls in there.
  16. 3:00pm EST =
    12:00pm PST
    1:00pm MST
    2:00pm CST
    8:00pm GMT
    9:00pm CET
    7:00am Australia EST
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  17. I was considering 4-6 PM. Looks like 5 is a square number just looking for a little more feedback before I change it completely :)
  18. Now i have 06:15 p.m.
  19. School on the day after New Years? That's cold D:

    Uh, what time zone are you?