1 WORD Story Game!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Stads0, Oct 10, 2012.

  1. "Tweety is super! duper! Butterflies look somewhat Sunny when Giant
    jumps This Leap is making with BATMAN! coloured Pyjamas
    can assist grannies with Canes that Was gone but then violently farted
    in someone's Mouth then Punched his sister In the face and kicked her while she
    cried loudly about something smelly and Basketball people with chocolate! Then
    your mom..."
  2. "...gives you astonishing poo flinging IcecreamCows Cousins named
    I'm back yeah that's right you can do this now I'll continue bacon Castle
    Burgers PĂ©rez and bought shoes for Bill ate poo cupcakes
    while kicking a tree cheating by stringing lots of words together
    by yelling YOLO very loudly Then went spastic and nailed creeper's pet wolf.
    Once he farted like a boss he exploded.Blue lights
    all people's possessions were taken! I ate set fire doggies to
    world unicorn killed Icecreamcow the boss was very concerning rainbows while
    combusting helicopters. with that, the lemon tasted helicopter like.
    Yes I am Stads That's what I said!..."
  3. purple
    _Stads_ likes this.
  4. Anachronism.
    _Stads_ likes this.
  5. On
    _Stads_ likes this.
  6. (Not part of the game) I plan to copy the story and make limited edition books on smp1.
  7. a
    _Stads_ likes this.
  8. Problematic
    _Stads_ likes this.
  9. Puzzle
    _Stads_ likes this.
  10. Out
    _Stads_ likes this.
  11. with
    _Stads_ likes this.
  12. Obama
    _Stads_ likes this.
  13. and
    _Stads_ likes this.
  14. sliced
    _Stads_ likes this.
  15. apples
    _Stads_ likes this.
  16. that
    _Stads_ likes this.
  17. Has
    _Stads_ likes this.
  18. big
    _Stads_ likes this.
  19. eyes
    _Stads_ likes this.