[Auction] DC of Clay Blocks

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Bunkerllama, Jul 18, 2013.

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  1. Auction: A Double Chest of Clay Blocks
    Starting Bid: 5,000r
    Minimum Bid Increase: 500r
    End: 24 hours after final bid
    Pick-Up at: 2425
    deathconn likes this.
  2. lol, how long we gonna do this? 11k
    cutejuliew and Baby_Cookies like this.
  3. as long as I have the money for it XD 11.5k
  4. okay.. here we go, 12k
  5. hah 12.5k

    we must be making Bunker happy with this constant bidding...
  6. ah a new competitor 13.5k
  7. you cruel cruel person :'(
    nickjwolfe likes this.
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