Creeper Gang

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Carbhoe, Feb 26, 2012.

  1. creepergang.png
    Hi people, I wanted to make a survival gang. If you would like to join please copy and paste these questions except with your answers.

    - Why did you join Minecraft?
    - What is your favourite server? (smp1,smp2,smp3,smp4,smp5,smp6,utopia)
    - What class do you want to be? (Defender,Miner,Warrior or Supporter)
    - What will your code name be? (5 letters please)

    Thank you, much is appreciated.

    Attached Files:

  2. I love the logo!
  3. This on SMP6?
  4. - Why did you join Minecraft? - For Fun And Bored
    - What is your favourite server? - SMP4
    - What class do you want to be? - Defender/Warrior
    - What will your code name be? - BURN!
  5. I will switch servers.
  6. You're in, thanks :D
    nfell2009 likes this.
  7. ok! my entry is as follows:
    - Why did you join Minecraft?: To Explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldy go where no one has gone before..... ok really, i joined because I love sandboxes, survival, and stuff of the sort.
    - What is your favourite server? Gosh this is always changeing. of late i have been playing smp3.
    - What class do you want to be? (Defender,Miner,Warrior or Supporter): probably a miner, or a supporter, whatever a supporter does.
    - What will your code name be? Bobert. but that's 6... so how about Alien?
  8. Why joined Minecraft: Just for the heck of it
    Favorite server: SMP6
    Class do you want to be: Is there a builder class? If not, then warrior (I am a master sniper)
    Code Name: Preferably "Shadow", but if that's too long then "Eagle" or "Ender" or maybe "EPlus" abbreviated "E+"
  9. What server???
  10. One more group...
  11. - Why did you join Minecraft? Because everyone else did, so I joined the gigantic 10-ton bandwagon.
    - What is your favourite server? SMP2. Always. I've put down about 20% of that area's terrain.
    - What class do you want to be? Always an adventurer, but for my Creeper kill/death ratio I'm called, "Darkwellor: Combat Evolved." Basically, anything related to combat or exploration, but I can build.
    - What will your code name be? Auron (from FFX)
    Hook me up; I'm a mountain man!
    imBobertRobert likes this.
  12. It's back up!
  13. Oww!!!
    To bad this is deleted...
    Anyway, sure nice logo....
    Would you mind making one for T.E.S?
    The logo could be either T.E.S or The Epic Survivors, maybe in Gold and Green...
    Hope that you can make one, I suck at Photoshop =)
  14. mate
  15. Thanks =D
    Brennian likes this.
  16. here :)

    Attached Files:

  17. Nice, but I already made one =P
  18. :(