Just in case your bored.

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by xoluss, Mar 14, 2013.

  1. Ok i figured out why i couldn''t do it.
    It requires google Chrome to be able to Play/interact with.
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  2. There better be a way to save these, but I haven't found it yet :p If anyone does please let me know, I want it for my desktop background.

    This is awesome by the way, thanks for showing us this :)
  3. Latest Firefox runs it fine.

    I tried to get mine to resemble a shuttle night launch. Here.
  4. HylianNinja and chickeneer like this.
  5. Curundu likes this.
  6. So, anyone find out how to save one of these as a picture?
  7. Printscreen then edit if you want too... Only way I found