Random Giveaway!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Noxavis, Feb 22, 2013.


Is Doctor Who awesome?

Yes 38 vote(s) 62.3%
No 5 vote(s) 8.2%
What? 18 vote(s) 29.5%
  1. I'm giving away 4,000 rupees (may be subject to increase).
    Pick a number! (1-60)
    Drawing will take place on St. Patrick's Day (Sunday, March 17) in the afternoon(EST).
    Note: If it gets to the point where 5 numbers or less are left; I will add more in increments of 10, up to 77.
    Available Numbers: 54, 65, 67, 71-72, 74-77

    1. Mrlegitislegit
    2. alexschrod
    3. B4DMAN5IMON
    4. hayjam
    5. 333Kirby
    6. Runningrhino
    7. Spenser6
    8. Pab10s
    9. Shon14
    10. IamSaj
    11. TheMiniKins
    12. cddm95ace
    13. southpark347
    14. Gap542
    15. THE_LEGEND4
    16. HylianNinja
    17. xI_LIKE_A_PIGx
    18. Crazy1800
    19. L0tad
    20. Traynfreek
    21. Twitch1
    22. havioxs
    23. MVPdrose
    24. Hash98
    25. superg64
    26. Lukas3226
    27. Jacob5089
    28. lightgear456
    29. AliceF3
    30. Penfoldex
    31. TheMinner333
    32. WolfThunderblade
    33. ILostMyShorts
    34. Qwerty189
    35. AmusedStew
    36. generalfelino015
    37. iamfuturetrunks
    38. AndrewBryer
    39. BobTheTomato9798
    40. creepincreepers7
    41. ItsMeMatheus
    42. WeirdManaico
    43. Kman122000
    44. PRO_G4NGST4
    45. Nilex92
    46. RED_Spy1
    47. eklektoi
    48. DaJaKoe
    49. TheTrufflehunter
    50. nick_godoy
    51. uglydragon
    52. Jcplugs
    53. Mossiknights
    55. OrigamiJoe
    56. DogsRNice
    57. TheSpyPie
    58. MVPworldseries
    59. SpaceShuttleFan
    60. PenguinDJ
    61. marknaaijer
    62. Golden_Guppy
    63. nick5013
    64. TerryDaTerrorist
    66. rubenhaz
    68. bat192a
    69. CowMan18
    70. Curundu
    73. 607
    HylianNinja likes this.
  2. 3 If I i may, sir ma'am:)
    catwarrior7 likes this.
  3. 8 please.
    catwarrior7 likes this.
  4. 14,15,16,18,14 or any if none available
    catwarrior7 likes this.
  5. 26 please
    catwarrior7 likes this.
  6. I am a girl.
    I love how you said 14 twice.
    All added.
    Gap542 and Lukas3226 like this.
  7. 1 please :)
    catwarrior7 likes this.
  8. I gave you 22.
    All Added
  9. Any number please
    catwarrior7 likes this.
  10. Thanks for the WONDERFUL giveaway Cat! Thanks thank thanks thanks bunches!
    I would love to have the number 17!
    catwarrior7 likes this.
  11. Can I has 11 pl0x
    catwarrior7 likes this.
  12. 15 please
    catwarrior7 likes this.