Dragon Signatures

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _removed_userwefwewe, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. I got myself a silver egg just now!
  2. Congrats
  3. White, not silver. Sorry.
  4. Aww. Its just soo hard to tell the difference.
  5. Current eggs: white dorkface (that came out wrong), autumn dorkface,purple, cheese.
  6. Is it possible to trade dragons? And if so, can I trade my Hellfire Wyvern for a Nebula Dragon?
  7. I saw some people with dragons and got some of my own. I have 3 so far.
    Flamingo, Sunsong Amphiptere, and Two Headed.
    TheTrufflehunter likes this.
  8. yes, you can. i can just give you a nebbie if you want :D
  9. Really? Just GIVE it to me?
  10. I'm a nice guy (although I'm still Forever Alone). Wait 3 days till the cool down finishes, then ill hop it over.
  11. If you need to know my DragCave account, its Captain_Engineer. I will trade you a Hellfire Wyvern if you want. Edit: Why do I have to wait 3 days?
  12. When I asked why I had to wait, I meant to ask what has to cool down.
  13. Good to see that you researched what you got... that's how you learn everything about DC.
  14. Nice red dorsal ssf! Mind sending me an egg? Ill breed you a thuwed or dorkface if you want.
  15. Ive waited 3 days more patiently for my question to be answered then for my Nebula Dragon.
  16. jay2a, claim my nebbie egg!
    please no one claim it exept for jay2a. its a gift for him :)
  17. Thank you! If you want something in return, all you have to do is ask.
  18. My dragcave days are over, It has just gotten boring.
    Only one zombie will stay in my signature now.
  19. You can still keep your dragons. Just because you dont visit the cave anymore doesnt mean you have to give up your dragons.