Dragon Signatures

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _removed_userwefwewe, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. Someone got the egg before you.
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  2. I don't have very many good eggs/dragons, if any at all, so if you got any dragon to trade I'll trade with you:)...
    Oh okay.... How do I get more dragons, it keeps saying:
    You are already overburdened and decide not to stress yourself by taking this egg.

    So do I have to get rid of a few eggs???
  3. Abandon, kill, wait for them to hatch
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  4. Also, please send me the link to your scroll.
  5. I got one:) Thanks!
  6. would someone post a timetable of the hourly drops in a few different timezones? then we could all get good eggs and stop noobs like me going "HOWZ DOO U GIT GOOD EGGGZZZZ!!!1111!!!11!"
  7. It's the same all around; at the top of every hour, regardless of the timezone, the good stuff drops.
  8. Does anybody happen to have a Pink hatchie? If it's mature, it must be male. I'll give you this nice PB Nebula hatchie for it.
    Offer your Pink here!
  9. @cch also (wasnt able to get both quotes in for some reason)

    Don't kill it....they still count as an egg and will still be on your scroll. If you want to get rid of one...wait the 5hrs and then abandon it. Also, remember that the more dragons (adults) you have the more eggs you will be able to have at a given time. Once you get 50 adult dragons you will be able to have 5 eggs, instead of 4.

    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  10. Heyyyyy......... Wanna trade my vamp for something of yours?
  11. Like a grey? :p
  12. I do have a cheese dragon.
    Also got a vamp from the ap.
    And qwerty that is all im willing to trade :p
    Make an offer on my eggs/hatchlings!
    This ^ Is for a vampire egg
    IronClad1017 likes this.
  13. Untill your tinsel can breed anagin, I'm sure. :cool:
  14. Hmm, I don't think so, there are currently 2 or more people that want my tinsel offspring.
  15. Didn't I ask first?
  16. Well if you must know, I don't go by the rule
    "First come, First Served"
    More like
    "Best deal, Gets whatever"
  17. So a thunder is not the bedt deal?
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.