Dragon Signatures

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _removed_userwefwewe, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. These guys need views/clicks and they only have 3 days.

    Anybody got the link to the hatchery thingy to give eggs more time? I need it :(
  2. I...I just got a...a leetle tree. *faints*
  3. This must be really addictive, a 72 page long thread...
  4. It is.

    In other news, 2 hours to my first ND experiment. Let's hope this goes well... :cool:
  5. Therefore, I need to make this:
    It's no palm tree, but...
  6. wow, everyone getting rare eggs. how do you do it? ive never gotten anything rare, EVER
  7. Ya gotta be fast. That's how I got this Leetle Tree.
  8. which biome do you use?
  9. All of them. -_-
  10. im gonna make an alt, just for collecting rares (so i can have 8 eggs)
  11. Harder than it sounds. Fair warning.

    And do you have 500 dragons?
  12. Um... If you don't mind, when they grow up, could you please breed your chicken / magma and trade/transfer me one? :)
  13. qwert, would you give me an egg of one of your rates? i have NONE
  14. On a different note, got a cheese hatchling and a sunrise/sunset! ! :D
  15. Maybe. I'll think about it.
  16. got an alt. ign: citothecat

    used my bros email :p
  17. That always happens to me. I have missed a paper, a chicken, two cheeses, a vampire, a magma, seven nebulas, three ices, two leetle trees, a thunder...
    EDIT: 3 papers!
    The list goes on and on.
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  18. ouch? ive missed a total of 10 luminas! exciting....
  19. Just got a daydream egg with 3 days 10 hours left, and no views. Time for another ND experiment...
  20. *Long, slow breath* It's very rare that I give people eggs without getting one in return.... If only you had an Ice. :(