40,000 Rupees Giveaway

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Faithcaster, Sep 1, 2012.

  1. 84 please!
    zbalda97 likes this.
  2. 39 minutes too late.... Good job.
    zbalda97 likes this.
  3. May I have 41? Thanks
    zbalda97 likes this.
  4. 51 Please thanks faith!!!
  5. I mean 5 sorry!!
    zbalda97 likes this.
  6. Bump hihi
    zbalda97 likes this.
  7. I already have 57.
    zbalda97 likes this.
  8. 80 for me please! thank you!
    zbalda97 likes this.
  9. Numbers Updated.
    Alot of people asked for a number there was already taken.
    Please verify that your number is on the list.

    zbalda97 likes this.
  10. 58 please!
    Good luck all!
    zbalda97 and marknaaijer like this.
  11. I already have 58
    zbalda97 likes this.
  12. one...last...number
    zbalda97 likes this.
  13. May i have 61 please?Thanks
    zbalda97 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  14. can i have 61
  15. Nope, your toooo late. Sorry.
  16. awwwwwwwwwww :(
  17. 61 then i think its the last 1
    IamSaj likes this.
  18. Taken! Dont you read a couple posts behind you? People. Ermigerd.

    battmeghs and bloodra1n like this.