This is the official dragon hunting team (Official by me) I know that some people have started a little group but this is going to be like a 50 player group so we can get dragon eggs. I think that if we get 50 people then more people will join and will be easier to get dragon eggs. If you want to apply for a position then please reply with one of these aplications Position: IGN: Have you been banned: Reason For Ban: The positions Are 1. Standard Staff (Unlimited spaces left) 2. Senior Staff (8 Spaces left) 3. Moderator ( no spaces left) 4. Admin (No Spaces left) 1.sqiggleyjeff (Admin) 2.theepic5 (Standard Staff) 3.Finsup2010 (Super Admin) 4.Iamsaj (moderator) 5.CreppaNinga235 (Admin) 6.cam13868674 (Moderator) 7.Qwerty189 (Standard Staff) 8.Xxandster700xX (Admin) 9.Jimbonothing64 (Senior Staff) 10.Creeper655 (moderator) 11.matthew12hydro (Senior Staff) 12.pateraterick (moderator) 13.connor_1116 (moderator) 14. 15. 16 17. 18. 19. 20. Don't Worry I can add more spaces Hope You Sign Up -Finsup2010
Position: Moderator IGN: IamSaj Have you been banned: No Reason For Ban: Never been Banned Days on EMC (I felt like putting this): 150 Days