Dragon Signatures

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _removed_userwefwewe, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. trust me i am OKAY with large lineages and TAKE TIME to look through them. also a proper name for thiuwed of vines: Thuwed ev Ladoj
  2. My dragons finally are adults! What do you guys think I should name them?
  3. I wish I could be a candidate, but my Purple and Spitfire are both adults.
  4. Okay, I'll rename him.
  5. They're dragons descended from TJ09 (the creator of Dragon Cave)'s dragons.
    oidgod likes this.
  6. My first Adult dragon:

    EDIT: Does anyone want an Electric Dragon? I'll trade :) ->
    PS : I've never done a trade before, how do you do it?
    PPS: The egg is brand new, 7 days left, v/uv/c are all 0
    Nole972 likes this.
  7. Click my eggs!

    My epic green nebula will thank you for it.
  8. It is my belief that it doesn't matter if you have a Thuwed dragon if the lineage is so convoluted that the act of finding the original Thuwed parent is a feat. As far as I'm concerned, if I can't see it on the first lineage page, it must not matter.

    It's like the second page of google.
    Nole972 likes this.
  9. lol my egg hatch and green dragon grew up
  10. I named my daydream mist runner, try somethin like that.
  11. I like that, I named my DayDream Cloudy Runner and my Misfit I Can Haz Wreak Havoc
  12. Another batch of eggs! :D
    Click away!
  13. nobody will click on my egg and if it doesnt hatch in 2 days it will die... and its my first egg so if it dies I will be pretty bummed over it :(
  14. Put it in an emergency room: Go to http://dragcave.wikia.com/wiki/Click_Sites, go to the list of free to use click sites, and enter your egg in there. I got 938 views in 3 hours by putting my eggs in al of them. :D
  15. And your mint egg has cracked! :D
  16. Cant you just rename your dragon Thuwed?
    PS Please click my eggs!!
  17. I now have my 1st adult! Click on my scroll to see it! :D
  18. Well it still is going to die soon Qwerty :(
  19. As I said, put them in ERs. You only need views now, and hat solves the problem. Don't give up!

    P.S. 700th post on this thread!
    godog4 likes this.
  20. Just clicked on EVERY egg in the ER. Feel like such a good Samaritan