The location of dragon eggs!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Rhyblet, Aug 19, 2012.

  1. Hello fellow empire minecrafters, I have decided to try to find the location of all 10 dragon eggs on all 10 servers. If you know whhere they are, please tell me.
    List of dragon eggs:
    smp1: Res # 1111 forward from spawn
  2. i believe they stopped with smp4's egg i don't think there is one for smp5 and so on not counting utopia
    marknaaijer and coffee_bullet like this.
  3. Why not?
  4. Edit: NVM.

    There are some missing Eggs.How will you complete this list?
  5. What do you mean missing? Throw in lava?
  6. Tod has a dragon egg
    He quits and his residence gets reset
    Bye egg.
    marknaaijer likes this.
  7. I read somewhere SMP3's(I think) was owned by Phoc and.. He got his res unclaimed and reset and bye egg.
    marknaaijer likes this.
  8. Maybe, but I've heard of the owners of them unclaiming/resetting their res.
    So that might be it.
  9. Why would they do that! Give it to me I will sell it for a lot of rupees :D take good care of it
  10. I'm not sure, but I don't think they would just give it to another person.
    They are meant as a sort of trophy, something which you are supposed to go through hours of work to get, not just given to you by someone.
  11. Ignoramoose has 2, I also believe there is one on smp9.
  12. Hmmm, where? I can't find it.
  13. Ignoramoose only has one. Xandrow has smp4 unless he got rid of it.
    marknaaijer likes this.
  14. Smp5 :D
    marknaaijer likes this.
  15. When they reset the wild the last time - They disabled the Ender Dragon; so the dragon egg could only be obtained on the the first 4 servers and utopia. If I remember right - smp5 was created right before the reset or something like that. This is what I have gathered anyways.

    Ignoramoose co-owns his dragon egg I think

    What did Leowaste do with his second dragon egg, I know he auctioned off the one he has been displaying for a very long time
    Dwight5273 likes this.
  16. Suspicous...
  17. I have Phocs res on smp3 cause I'm taking all smp3 spawn residences and i may possibly have the egg ;)
  18. Robot Chicken now owns it. He took the lead in the auction with 2 million rupees. I think it's now used as an attraction for his and faithcaster's store.
    marknaaijer likes this.
  19. Brettskiiii has one of the eggs. Phoc used to, Ignoramoose has one, Xandrow has one, RoBoT_ChIcKeN_66 has one. I dont know about Leowaste's.... :p