PIG 3,220 AMA

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Hoi, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. So, I have posted over 3,000 posts! Wooohooo! ( 1,500 are liked ) :p

    So you guys can ask me ANYTHING! A.M.A ( Ask Me Anything )

    Ask away! The Pig commands you!
    gobstone308 and marknaaijer like this.
  2. How much do you love Karmin?
    gobstone308 and marknaaijer like this.
  3. I think you know from our little conversation. ;P

    gobstone308 and Xandrow like this.
  4. Are you really a pig?
    gobstone308 likes this.
  5. Are you really a sheep?
    gobstone308, marknaaijer and mba2012 like this.
  6. Why have you never donated me a single rupee?
    gobstone308 likes this.
  7. Whats my name?
    gobstone308 likes this.
  8. You never asked. Even if you did, I would just donate 1r becaseu I despise those nasty beggers.
  9. You said it on Utopia. But that was like 3 months ago. :/ I guess I forgot.
    gobstone308 likes this.
    gobstone308 likes this.
  11. Umm, erm... Go dive in the wishing well.
    gobstone308 likes this.
  13. 1. Do you like minecraft?
    2. do you like other videogames?
    3. What is your favorite video game system (pcs don't count)
    4. Color?
    5. Movie?
    6. Fried chicken?
    7. Ham?
    8. Bacon?
    9. Pork?
    10. Where do you stand on the subject matter of pig slaughter?

    I'm thinking up some more too.
    gobstone308 likes this.
  14. 1. Yea huh
    2. Yes, I do.
    3. Xbox 360
    4. Orange
    5. ZombieLand
    6. No, I dont eat anything fried, or from fast food restaurants.
    7. Nope.
    8. Yes.
    9. Yes.
    10. I really dont care if its not me. lol
    gobstone308, marknaaijer and mba2012 like this.
  15. What is the proof of fermat's last theirom
    ANSWER THAT!!!!!!!
    gobstone308 likes this.
  16. Ummm, whaaaaat?
    gobstone308 likes this.
  17. HAH!
    gobstone308 likes this.
  18. ......................
  19. Muahahahahaha
    gobstone308 likes this.
  20. HEy, umm bro, do you mind deleting that post? This is my AMA thread, and that was just umm, random.
    gobstone308 and Mikeguy2225 like this.