3 Word Story Game: Continued

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by samtheboo, May 11, 2012.

  1. The duck went
  2. baaa!!! like sheeps
    5weety likes this.
  3. apple and died
  4. A ghast came
  5. and got killed
  6. with a sausage
  7. using mooshroom toes
  8. and mouse heart
  9. a pigmen came
  10. collapsed and died
  11. Silverfish came in
  12. got ate, died
  13. nfell dug down
  14. and found diamonds!!
    jamesg003 likes this.
  15. but then he fell
  16. into more diamonds!!
    jamesg003 likes this.
  17. but lava killed