Selling Fiery Food

Discussion in 'Selling' started by THE_OP_VILLAGER, Jul 1, 2018.

  1. Hi I am selling the new promo Fiery Food I am selling different food for 5k on my res on smp6 at /v 12223 here is a pic of the items

  2. May I ask how you got so much food already? xD
    THE_OP_VILLAGER likes this.
  3. How do you get firey food in the first place? :p
    THE_OP_VILLAGER likes this.
  4. Added some heads and i will never tell
  5. Price has been updated
  6. Yes bump getting low on stock will get more soon also what type of food would you like golden apples?
  7. bump restocked and add more types
  8. What is fiery food exactly?
  9. Go to 12223 on smp6

    Also look at my first post
  10. I think 200k for the nether hound head is a bit much
  11. I know I sold one for 75 and am going to keep that one
  12. really for 75k i bought one for the equivalence of 10k
    SliceOfRhyBread likes this.
  13. Bump dunno what I have in stock but still selling
  14. Just a Notice, as you can craft the Foods,

    Kill a enraged Zombie and get a spark, then put that and a food item in crafting and it makes it.
  15. Yes shhhh

    Sparks are still kinda rare tho
  16. It's only a matter of time before the market becomes flooded.
    FadedMartian likes this.
  17. not really lol
    FadedMartian and SliceOfRhyBread like this.
  18. Can you explain what fiery food even is? Can you eat it?