AMA + Giveaway - Ore Buster - 2 Years of EMC - The FitnessGram Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic ca

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by salmjd, Dec 5, 2016.



YEA! 8 vote(s) 22.9%
YEA! 2 vote(s) 5.7%
The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more diffi 25 vote(s) 71.4%
  1. Hey you! You reading this! I'm 2 years old! Fite me! Or ask me a question and pick a number to be used in a satanic experiment entered in a draw to win an Ore Buster! There will be 2nd and 3rd place prizes too! Giveaway ends January 16th!


    1. Loserzs
    2. Vortixin
    3. Will_McNab
    4. GeneralWillikers
    5. Equinox_Boss
    6. Eviltoade
    7. Kippy159
    9. ThtBaymon
    11. crafter31211
    12. IFixer
    13. PeachPenguin
    14. EmpireMall
    16. lottie1664
    17. Sachrock
    18. LtCaptainMe
    19. _CheshireCat_
    20. LifeofMancub
    21. _Devil__
    22. Duflet
    23. Tigerstar
    24. Tuqueque
    25. Aiyard
    26. KungFuCactus
    27. WolfInAction
    29. Raaynn
    30. Kytula
    31. Carbonyx
    33. Rhyblet
    38. Allicanto
    47. Fexu
    49. MocoMiner
    52. iiPeppermint
    53. nuclearbobomb
    54. Themoglover
    57. Aking707
    58: _cTj_
    60. MasterMockery
    62. Jay2a
    68. Jelle68
    69. SkareCBoi
    73. padde73
    77. Skelemas2k16
    78. CallumDAKing
    87. Tyron87
    88. crazy_x_gamer

    93. jjhgg100123
    98. PupInAction
    99. Shadow_Dcord

    -the sexy sexy ESSELEM
  2. What's the reason behind your new name? :p

    Congrats on 2 years! 33 please :)
    LoveAllTrustNone likes this.
  3. Yo Sal congratz.
    Does a 1 legged duck swim in circles?
    Also I pick number 69 =P
    LoveAllTrustNone likes this.
  4. I pick number 73 if that's possible

    What's your favorite staff held event?
    LoveAllTrustNone likes this.
  5. 53 please =)

    Favourite genre of music?
    LoveAllTrustNone likes this.
  6. fav color
    fav shape
    fav movie franchise
    fav book
    fav smp
    fav block
    fav animal
    fav cartoon character
    fav super hero
    fav super villan

    number 88 please and congrats on 2 years
    LoveAllTrustNone likes this.
  7. Congrats!

    If you love all and trust none, does this mean you don't trust the people you love and love the people you don't trust?

    7 please :D
  8. Do you PvP?
    ill take 25
    LoveAllTrustNone likes this.
  9. Wull I changed my cousin's account name to Salmatic, turns out he was waiting 30 days till he could change it to this, so the little scrub changed my name instead. So in return I *lovealltrustnone'd* his face. I mean I beat him up. Thanksyou!

    Thanks mon! also no, a 1 legged duck gets a prosthetic limb and disability benefits =D

    Anything is possible ma friend! Personally I'm a fan of the open bar

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    I like you.

    fav shape: A paisley
    fav movie franchise: Fast and Furious
    fav book: facebook
    fav smp: smp4 used to be cool
    fav block: 73rd Street between Broadway and 37th Ave-lots of good restaurants there :Þ
    fav animal: Big Bird
    fav cartoon character: Big Bird
    fav super hero: Big Bird
    fav super villan: Big Bird

    Thanks on 2 years!

    ░░░░░░███████ ]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▃
    ◥⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙◤... (tanks ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ)
    It means that you're thinking too hard about this. I appreciate you tho XD

    Used to PVP back when I was a young potato; was pretty damn good at it too =D tried the 1.9 pvp in RainbowChin's uhc, it sux dood!

    Thankys for all your congrats and questions! You are all entered! =)

  10. number 25 plox i like potato do you like potato
    LoveAllTrustNone likes this.
  11. Number 11 please
    What is the rarest item you own?
    LoveAllTrustNone likes this.
  12. Hey! grats!! I choose number 6 - Is this 1-100? ;p
    LoveAllTrustNone likes this.
  13. Congrats on 2 years!
    Favorite subject?
    I'll take number 27 please :D
    LoveAllTrustNone likes this.
  14. Congratz man favorite emc creation and 4 please.
    LoveAllTrustNone likes this.
  15. Whats your biggest achievement on empire minecraft that you can think of?
    EDIT: 18 please
    LoveAllTrustNone likes this.
  16. I'll take 62 please. Congratulations on 2 years
    LoveAllTrustNone likes this.
  17. ;) Congratulations! I will take number 77
    And what is your favorite memory from the old days of EMC?
    LoveAllTrustNone likes this.
  18. *fites*
    22 please :)
    LoveAllTrustNone likes this.
  19. Favorite way to stay fabulous?
    #87 pls ^_^
    LoveAllTrustNone likes this.
  20. #9. XD

    How did you hear about EMC? What makes you stay? XD
    LoveAllTrustNone likes this.