[AUCTION] Full set of 100k gear

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by theaustin1one, Nov 19, 2016.

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  1. Items- One (1) Scooooba Mask (unused)
    One (1) Potato Plate (unused)
    One (1) Bionic Pants (unused)
    One (1) Bubble Boots (unused)
    One (1) Chicken Skewer (unused)
    One (1) Mineral Mincer (unused)
    One (1) Sharpshooter (unused)
    One (1) Shear Madness (unused)

    Starting bid- 85k (85,000)

    Minimum Bid Increment- 1k (1000)

    Auction ending time- 72 hours after last VALID bid

    Pickup- You can pick up your winnings at /v 11567 (there will be a clearly marked pressure plate) or I can mail the items for 400 rupees.

    Good luck!
  2. 100k!
    Carbonyx likes this.
  3. Bump! Still cheap for an entire set of 100k gear!
    Tuqueque likes this.
  4. Bring up my post
  5. CallumDAKing likes this.
  6. Bumppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp
  7. Losing hope is real
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  8. you can see right through me can't you :D

    desperate bump
    Gawadrolt and CallumDAKing like this.
  9. Final bump of the auction!!!!!
  10. you have won! PM sent.
  11. I have to confirm both parties have completed the transactions before closing :)
    Carbonyx likes this.
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