The biggest giveaway in EMC history (I think?)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by brettskiiii, May 6, 2012.

  1. OK,

    So I'm taking leave from EMC, because I have other priorities in life for now..

    It's such a wonderful community, thanks to JustinGuy and all his team for the wonderful world he has created.

    So, rather then just leaving, I thought I would have a bit of fun with it and give away my stash.

    • I would like to donate the SMP2 dragon egg to the SMP2 community. How??
    • I would like to offer up my land next to town spawn (North) to become the dragon egg shrine

    • I will be holding a give away of my stash, time to be announced soon. This includes:
    • 9 x Unbreaking III, Fortune III, Efficiency IV items
    • 4 x Unbreaking III, Fortune III, Efficiency V items
    • 3 x Unbreaking III, Efficiency III, Silk touch I
    • 2 x Unbreaking III, Efficiency IV, Silk Touch I
    • Approx 2,500 Diamonds
    • Lots of other crap, not worth much

    Looking at creative / fun and fair ways to do this :) So if you have an idea of how to dispense out items to a crowd in game fairly / randomly, let me know! :) I was considering taking a small donation for a random giveaway, the giving the total rupees for that away as well.. Or potentially doing a lottery or something else..

  2. I can put the egg together with the utopia one on my res or make a shrine on ur res

    With a "In loving memory of" sign
  3. i think he wants it on smp2 and maybe ask justin if it can be featured?

    also there was recently a give away where the person built a room and put dispensers all around while it was hooked up to some type of red stone clock
    also u will be missed :(
    nerone94 likes this.
  4. I am smp2 based./ I meant with my Dragon egg. Or, just make a shrine
  5. ahh i thought u meant on utopia
  6. Yeah the egg I have is the Utopia Egg. I have it on my res now
  7. It could be at the smp1 pool. Great place, and always fun :)
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  8. As me and you built the pub on SMP2. (Which will be gone. :(..) I should get something.
  9. Yes fair comment Mrlegit, if the egg goes elsewhere maybe you would like the land? If not let me know what you would like :)
  10. If Justin or ICC want to be nice and give me the lot, sure! But, as I'm not a support, I don't think it will happen..
  11. It's sad to see you go :(

    I'd gladly have the egg at my res ;) Nah. Maybe do an official contest for everything?
  12. if you want a fair way to give it out, a bunch of dispensers filled with the stuff, up in the air attached to a pulser would be the best way, then just have a drop party on your res :p
    nerone94 and AlexChance like this.
  13. Omg! I wish i could haz dragon egg :p
  14. Either make some sort of a way to get a prize, getting something along a certain point. Or install, a bunch of dispensers in the ceiling, and make them drop. Or my favorite way, make a huge maze, and at certain places, get things.
  15. i dont think it should be a contest
  16. If the lot wont work, diamonds are always a GREAT option. :p
    SecretAznEks and Equinox_Boss like this.
  17. Aww, another person leaving :( This seems to be becoming a regular occurrence as of late. That's super nice that you're giving your stuff away though. I'm sure you'll think of a fun, fair way for all the lucky people :)
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  18. Maybe to have a contest fill out a google docs thing and just have all names be put into a draw using to win certain items! It's pretty easy. I definatley think leo should get the egg though it will be well protected from griefers and stuff :D
  19. Well, brettskiiii I live right next to you, and I know we dont talk much, but I could convert my house into an SMP2 "Museum" of sorts and store all kinds of other stuff that are SMP2 Historic. I would take the Dragon Egg off of you and build a monumental shrine dedicated to you.
  20. I have no res on smp2 but i can take the close lot for the dragon egg and get some people well known on smp2 to build the shrine there.

    Also: Ill take 4 stacks diamonds and
    Eff IV, Fortune III, and Unb III pick and
    Eff III, Unb III and Silk Touch Pick. Ive never had the rich feeling in terms of diamonds :( and :)
    Equinox_Boss likes this.