Club Kitties'

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by wonderwoman_16, Oct 4, 2015.

  1. Let him he's a nub any ways :p
  2. Yeah..... I guess he's more a god than a king.
    Keliris likes this.
  3. Hi guys! Today, I decided to tell you who won Club Kitties' President+! Congrats if you did.
    CDJS dropped out, sadly she won't be competing even though we decided last second to give it to her. Sorry :(

    NOTICE: This thread is for if you're in my club.

    President Winner:
    highlancer54 - 11 votes
    Vice President Winner:
    DoctorMadFate - 1 Vote
    Secretary Winner:
    ShelLuser - 2 Votes

    Congrats!!!! I hope to see you at club kitties' soon!
  4. I dropped out ;-;
    DeathPunchKitty likes this.
  5. nope. nope. you didn't.... and now your staying XD
  6. So are you forcing somebody into staying in your group? If so you must have a thing for him :rolleyes:
  7. ewwwww....
  8. Why i want to leave ;-;
  9. Cuz I'm a mad with power. NOW, respond to the conversation..
  10. Can some one help me ??
  11. no
  12. Couldn't this discussion have continued in the other Club Kitties thread? Rather than making a completely new one? :confused:

    and sorry Doc, I think you're on your own with this one XD
    Catacacalysm likes this.
  13. I have requested to close this thread. [CLOSE:REQUEST]
    DeathPunchKitty likes this.
  14. That was not needed...?
    Catacacalysm likes this.
  15. Alright, I think it's obvious Bayymaxx has a crush on madfate :rolleyes:
    Dufne likes this.
  16. ...
  17. Hi guys! Today, I decided to tell you about my club! So, I'm starting a new club called Club Kitties' as it says in the tittle. So, I'd like to explain to you how this club works! I hope you like it! :)

    So, we're looking for members to join Club Kitties'! It says in the first comment the members of Club Kitties'. To join, all you have to do is fill out this form: http://club.kittes/form/. We look forward to having you :)

    This is located on smp4. Do /v HelloKittyRo, and then turn around and find the TP to Club Kitties'. We have a party, an eating, and meeting area! We also have a few sales :)

    Meetings and Events
    We will have meetings starting in May, 2016. Till then, we're just plan having fun. We'll also have events, but those will start in January, 2016. I'll make a conversation for this so that the group can discus this.

    More to come soon. I hope you join the Club!

  18. Members in Club Kitties':
    HelloKittyRo [ORIGINAL OWNER]