Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2015 Edition)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Krysyy, Jan 1, 2015.

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    Ultimamaxx likes this.

    Post Vacation-Birthday selfie.

  3. There. Much better
  4. Your eyes are almost black in that picture.
    melk73 likes this.
  5. Sam licked a funny stamp.
    AverageWalrus likes this.
  6. My eyes are normally dark brown so look black in that
    mustanglover25 and L3A8 like this.
  7. Highlancer as a Koala?

    HL as a LGB?

    Nope, HL hanging out at the watering hole.

    Yes, it was a pink and gray day, don't judge!

  8. Just me and a little Kentucky Fried Zombies

  9. yesterday
    (me on the very right)
    Sambish, LauraLye, Melk73 and 10 others like this.
  10. Your a railing? You're the first railing I've ever met :D


  11. Ha! Ha! Ha! ha ha >.>
    boozle628, FDNY21, deathconn and 2 others like this.
  12. no i am the real slim shady
    Torian42, yankees518, FDNY21 and 7 others like this.
  13. I can be fancy too!

  14. ..
  15. Also, you forgot, SMILE.

  16. This is me
    Jk, but really

    Awkward family photo, so I decided to make the best face ever (Also the sun was directly in my eyes)

    Me being reunited with my love since sophomore year, the lunchbox, Me on a date to froyo, and me going tux shopping yeeeeeeey
  17. You kind of look like Peeta Mellark, no offense:p
  18. I think he looks like Newt from Maze Runner
  19. Nah,the age doesn't match.
    Boozly628 is 15, while Peeta is 16.
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