Empire has updated to 1.8!

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Aikar, May 5, 2015.

  1. Yay! We now have 1,8, thanks for working hard and getting it released!
  2. I am actually in SMP5 frontier...
  3. what does that mean?
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  4. I know im Kinda late but ya know. School. VICTORY SCREECH!

    ChickenDice and georgeashington like this.
  5. I was wondering about this too. I rarely had pigman spawn on rails in 1.7, now they make it impossible to travel. Long nether rails are essentially broken on 1.8.
    607 and ThaKloned like this.
  6. OMG this is amazing! Thanks so much staff!!!! :DDDD
  7. There seems to be something wrong with Sticky Pistons. The ones on my Cane farm keep unsticking from their blocks allowing the Water come through to wash away the Redstone and landscaping below.

    I keep resetting them with a Lever, but it happens again afterwards.

    Edit: It looks like lengthening the pulse going into them fixes this problem, but there's a good chance that other things are going to break because of this.
  8. anyone know whats up with this? They move in circles really fast and the closer i get more and more of the rectangles appear.

  9. I call hax.


    Also, my enderman farm seems to have slowed down dramatically... Could this be something to do w/ 1.8?
    Nickblockmaster likes this.
  10. It's the YouTube loading symbol invading your Minecraft.
    607, Kephras, Ultimamaxx and 2 others like this.
  11. MrsWishes, Kephras and Perry_Stahlsis like this.
  12. Try reducing the render distance, its an old 1.8 bug... Load up to 6 chunks as its the server's maximum chunk load.
    607 likes this.
  13. someone divided by 0
  14. Those are the squid. This happens when the render distance spazz' out. When I'm in a game and put it over 10, this happens. Lowering usually fixes it.
    607 likes this.
  15. ok thanks that seemed to work
  16. Maxarian's head doesn't work and is the wrong size (too big)
  17. I used to have a not-special Aikar's head.

    then I tried to make the skin work like I was doing with the other heads and..
    it's turned into an "aikar's head"
    like, without the capital A.
    and it has no skin--just alex skin, for now, anyway.
    is it a fake? =.=;;
    mostly worried because the A isn't capitalized anymore. or did Aikar change his name to aikar?
  18. Reminds me of this...
    Gawadrolt and Ultimamaxx like this.
  19. Released when I was at work, but awesome anyways! Can't wait to pop on!
  20. are there going to be name changes?