The SMP War

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by DaybreakerMC, Feb 10, 2015.


Will you fight?

Yes 49 vote(s) 71.0%
Ies 20 vote(s) 29.0%
  1. Are you going to count me as a squeaker?
  2. Dunno.. If I do, you're at the high end of the squeakers. King of the squeakers, as it were.
  3. I think this 'Smp war' has really just turned into a 'every-man-for-himself-war':)
  4. This is going to be fun.
  5. Kill kill kill, Blood makes the grass grow green!
    I'm up to be Volun'told I am the leader of the Navy forces for smp9 (Never, Again, Volunteer, Yourself = Navy). Though the Navy will all be on shore leave. So if you need us to fight just call the nearest Bar, and I'm certain we'll all be drunk enough to fight like no others!
  6. *war dies out*
  7. War never dies.
  8. I have my Jam, x7mx has his ammo... All should be well with the world :p
  9. What do I have tho? a banana?! :D
  10. My army of Endercakepool.
  11. What is even going on :rolleyes:
  12. Oh no, this thread has resurfaced! :eek:
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  13. Derp.
    Well, there's barely enough people in smp1 to wage a war... so on behalf on smp1, we shall be the Switzerland in this war.
  14. I'm gonna make a skin pack for the warriors of SMP2!
  15. Could i get the latest interest rates on a number account please? I assume my rupees will be safer in empire switzerland from now on :(
  16. I will raise the army of EnderCakes EnderCake.png
  17. As I live in smp9 I WOULD rather stay in my mining village
  18. If your main purpose of moving to smp1 is to save money, let's say that isn't recommended. After all, the shops here are REALLY expensive. =P
  19. then who has the cheapest xhops?