smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Do you remember what i told you?
  2. I have built a little treehouse, you may come across it.:)
    penfoldex likes this.
  3. How long is this thread???
  4. If you take a look at the bottom of the page, you'll see it's 667 pages long.
  5. You missed the chance to reply with the gif in your signature and a picture of the number :p
    Cchiarell6914 and Philovanrood like this.

  6. 667

    I don't get it.
    Philovanrood likes this.
  7. can someone tell me how to get to bayview railway???
  8. meeting 5pm cst?

    sure! click here for the handy rail guide (sorry. wont permit me to place it here)
    zulu9 likes this.
  9. ah thankyou, this is a life saver! I've been lost for ages. Thanks:)
    zulu9 likes this.
  10. I meant the I'll show you gif, along with a picture of the number 667 :)
  11. *woosh*
  12. I was just wondering if it was possible to have a nether portal at far out places like Chicken Shores? because it takes a long time to get back to the nether portal (but if there are already nether portals I do not know about, could someone please tell me where they are) thanks:)

  13. Philovanrood likes this.
  14. ...We're working on it. :p
    There will eventually be more nether portals hopefully. *Looks at whoever's in charge*
    Also did a meeting happen today?
    zulu9 likes this.
  15. So uh, my proposal to turn this place (mba2012's old place) to a park…
    2015-02-16_21.58.26.png 2015-02-16_21.58.57.png 2015-02-16_21.59.00.png

    Anyone have any objections? Mba said it was alright.
    Also anyone want to help with this? It's a pretty big space to transform and I feel like it'd be a great group project.

    Also I have some ideas for a light festival perhaps coming in March…sort of like the lantern festival after Chinese New Years? Only in March because I feel it'd be more fitting in March for some reason lol, and it gives more time for planning. What do you gives think about it? It would have events like spleefing (which I am fixing up ;) ) and such. Maybe use the minigolf (?) place zulu made awhile back? We'd all put up "lanterns" up in the sky. We're the Last Light Outpost, after all.

    Anyways, just some stuff to think about. Do let me know if you guys want to help. Please.
  16. I need to get around to removed the locked chests from there...
  17. Oh please can I help!? :)
  18. I think a park there is a great idea, and I would be willing to lend a hand if I'm available.