Super Smash Brothers, Unite! ( Character Suggestions, Stage Ideas, ect.)

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by wormturkey, Sep 1, 2014.

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  1. Checked on the 3DS eShop, appearantly the titles for the Super Smash sale have changed. Just bought Animal Crossing New Leaf for twenty bucks. Gosh I've wanted to play this game for a while. :)
  2. Oh yes! Finally someone on EMC who shares my love for Nintendo :p Minish Cap is my only Zelda game, but it introduced me to the series, and I might once buy another tLoZ game for GBC of GBA ;)
    ParodyMaster6 likes this.
  3. Link to the Past best Zelda game
    ParodyMaster6 likes this.
  4. I find that I haven't encountered a bad Zelda game yet. And I've played them all. You just can't go wrong with Link. ;)
    Link to the past was good, but the direct sequel, Link Bettween Worlds, tops it. Still, I loved everything about LTTP except for the fact that Link's hair was pink. What was up with that?!
    607 likes this.
  5. Smash bros. comes out on Friday!
    ParodyMaster6 likes this.
  6. What are the 3 new characters that you are the most excited for, and the ones you are the least excited for?
  7. I think I'm most excited for PAC-man, Little Mac, and the Miis. I'm really not all that hyped that Wario's making a return. Also, can someone PLEASE tell me what the need for Dr. Mario and Dark Pit is?
    coolprex likes this.
  8. I'm finding it hard to concentrate in my classes thinking about this game. How is it so awesome?! I think I may camp overnight at GameStop on Thursday with a couple of friends. We're all going to buy it as soon as it comes out. To be honest, I've never actually camped out for a video game before. Thre's a first time for everything!
    coolprex likes this.
  9. I wish I could camp for it, but i have school.
  10. I'm not even sure anymore, maybe I would prefer it if he wasn't added.
    I mean, no Wario would be really weird, but maybe this is worse.
    They designed him so extremely badly that I'm just not happy with it at all...
    ParodyMaster6 and coolprex like this.
  11. Ditto, but I'm gonna get the game, then go right to sleep. Still, it's going to be a tough Friday... But after school will be worth it all when I finally play!
    coolprex likes this.
  12. The only reason they threw him in was Game and Wario. That game was absolute trash, though.
    607 and coolprex like this.
  13. TOMORROW! ITS HAPPENING TOMORROW!!! Oh man I cannot wait! This is driving me crazy!
    coolprex likes this.
  14. Jigglypuff.
    coolprex and ParodyMaster6 like this.
  15. Well, Smah Bros series only gets a new game every about five years, so It's not like CoD at all, really. And the GameCube controller... Meh. I actually personally liked holding the Wii Remote sideways in Brawl. All my friends thought I was crazy, but then again, I probably am.
    coolprex likes this.
  16. I JUST GOT IT OMG SO MUCH FUN!!!!11!1!!!!!1!!!!111!!!1!!1!!!1!!11
    ParodyMaster6 likes this.
  17. This is, honestly, the best game I've ever played. And the WiiU version isn't even out yet.
    By the way, I think I might start a Smash 3DS online tournament. It could be smashes, stocks, or smash run (my favorite new mode, by the way.) Don't know when though. If your interested, respond with a date that would be best for you. I'm usually available at night, cause that's the only free time I get.
    coolprex likes this.
  18. Sounds like I better start saving for this…Meta Knight shall raise his sword once more when I get money. :D

    Is the screen sizing really a bother that may cause squinting?
  19. So I got this over Smash ["Better" fighting game] (PS3 version)...:
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