[EULA] Mojang Supporter Changes Discussion

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Gibabyte, Jun 5, 2014.

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  1. The concept of what they are trying to do is great, but the implementation sucks (not that I could do it any better)
    Kephras, mba2012, JackBiggin and 3 others like this.
  2. I'd love it if they made a Ethical Minecraft Server Approval Board (aka EMSAB) and, with a basic set of rules, these dozen or so members could decide whether said donations were ethical (not 1000 dollars) and worth the money (not 100 dollars for a survival games class set.) Will never happen, but it would be nice.
  3. Imho, providing additional support for servers that are ethical rather than penalising those who are not is a step in the right direction.
  4. Again, Aikar. What will happen to players who have residences on utopia but no longer actively donate?
    bradox11 and tedrocker like this.
  5. Why don't we all sign an online petition against this? we have OVER 50,000 players, plus I'm sure the whole minecraft community is enraged by this, so we could get a number of people to sign it, and fight mojang's stupid new rules. Servers need funding to survive, and these new rules completely kill all funding perks, which in turn, kills servers.
    JMB6362 likes this.
  6. Aikar is not ignoring you necessarily, but I will answer for him. Currently the admins are weighing some of these options, so no FINAL decisions have necessarily been made at this time. Servers have until August 1st to comply, so we have a bit of time to figure things out.

    As for your specific question, he mentioned above a setting will be made for current players to still have access to Utopia after any changes are made, BUT the specific details are still in the works. Of course as soon as we KNOW, for certain, we will be sure to let you, the community, know.
  7. We don't have 50000 active players
  8. I had answered that at least twice in the thread already o.o

    Previous supporters will keep utopia town access just as it is today. Just there will be no more visiting as a free player.
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  9. Also all vault things doesn't require any changing, vault vouchers are obtainable by anyone.
  10. How long will we keep it for cuz I can't physically log on unless it's minechat right now
  11. Yes we all have Vaults, but the things you can put in your Vault are not obtainable by anyone if all players do not have access to Utopia, a server where they can collect those items in perpetual daylight.

    There is also the problem of Endertopia. Being able to use a pre-made Enderman farm then transfer the XP from it to other servers doesn't follow the new EULA's rules regarding access to all.

    If non-Supporters cannot go to Utopia to obtain items and XP, then Supporters should not be able to transfer those things to the other servers either.
    tedrocker and IcecreamCow like this.
  12. Endertopia is not a problem, there are plenty of enderman exp farms on other servers.
  13. Easy! Well put up a EULA saying you're not allowed to send items from utopia through the vault and must use the XP on utopia, then we will wait to enforce our EULA way later down the road after everyone is doing it as part of their daily routine so we can ensure we upset as many people as possible

    (incase it's not obvious, this post is of sarcastic nature)
  14. Can I charge access to a specific part of my server, such as a minigame or world?
    No, you cannot charge for any part of a server other than the initial access. Once on a server, all players must have the same gameplay privileges. You may make a different server for the user to connect to which features “premium” areas, and charge for access to that server instead, but the benefits cannot carry over to your other servers.

    How many of the Ender farms you refer to are public and built on the same scale as Endertopia? How many of them can you get to by typing a server command? It does not follow the EULA because you can carry the benefits back to the other servers through the Vault and by XP transfer.

    I get it. Not sure what to make of it though. Most of this thread seems to be made up of posts trying to circumvent the EULA with word games so I suspect you might be somewhat serious.
    IcecreamCow and tedrocker like this.
  15. Thats a personal opinion that I disagree with.

    The "Feature" there is doable by any player - and I've seen players claim they build farms more efficient than endertopia anyways.

    What you are "buying" with Utopia access is CONVENIENCE. And that does not travel back to the SMP's.
  16. You can't sell the ability to fly. By allowing people to use a server command to travel there and back you are affecting gameplay even more than flying. People can instantaneously vault items between Endertopia and other servers without even taking the time to fly.

    Even if you are allowed at one of the others, it is not possible to get to and from them without risk and time.

    Can I charge for access to server commands?
    Yes, as long as their effects are purely cosmetic. Commands that affect gameplay, such as a command to fly, cannot be sold for hard currency.
    IcecreamCow likes this.
  17. Except everyone with access will have that same ability to travel there. Gold and diamond both have the same /v endertopia command.

    Unless your arguing that I shouldn't let previous supporters have access to town? If you want to opt out of receiving the legacy access, feel free to PM us when I give it out.
    EffinBatman likes this.
  18. The enderfarm on smp5 is far superior to endertopia. I'm surprised no one has ever shown it to you. It takes 2 minutes to get from town to smp5 enderfarm with virtually no risk. I'll be happy to show you sometime Pab10S.

    And yes the farm is public, built by Byeforeverthe2nd, and it is publicly listed in the forums, under the wilderness section. Its access is just as easy as getting to the exp farm on endertopia.
    Pab10S likes this.
  19. People with access should have to walk to their XP farms like everyone else. Unless we are all going to be able to use a server command to get to xp farms now, selling "access" to it with a vault is like selling flying.

    I am not arguing against it or even saying that I ever disliked it. I don't need access to XP and I don't need mountains of Ender Pearls. It just does not follow the EULA's spirit in my opinion. I already stated that and you don't seem to get it. I think you are intelligent and you seem to have a moderate reading ability so I have to assume at this point that you have joined the word game crowd.

    If legacy access means that I will be able to visit Endertopia as a non-Supporter because I have been a Supporter in the past, I'll have to decline if other non-Supporters cannot go there also out of principle.
    IcecreamCow likes this.
  20. About the "legacy access" what exactly is it and when does it take effect?
    Pab10S likes this.
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