Updated Wiki Navigation, New Staff, and New Contributors to boot!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Krysyy, May 23, 2014.

  1. No, your joke was very punny. :) How could it not be? You're SoulPunisher.
    wisepsn, mba2012 and FDNY21 like this.
  2. http://jackbigg.in/exams/
  3. I am a Little late to the party, but thanks everyone and congratulations to the other new staff members.
    mba2012 likes this.
  4. Lol, welcome. You're not too late for cake. :p Congrats.
  5. The new Comic Sans actually looks decent :rolleyes:
  6. i really like the new team, well done everyone :D
    mba2012 and jkrmnj like this.
  7. What if you have already applied for a staff app previously? Would you have to fill out another?
  8. Much No. XD
  9. I'm pretty sure that all old apps are wiped, if you haven't filled this one out yet, they don't take previous ones instead. :)
  10. Thanks. :D
  11. Nice to see all the new mods, especially the return of Green! Congrats!