pc build help

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Importerer, Jul 10, 2013.

  1. i believe the taxes only apply if you have it shipped to the store to go pick it up - else if it's shipped to your house, instead - only shipping applies
  2. http://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/sales-tax-internet-29919.html
    I was a bit off.
  3. jkjkjk182 likes this.
  4. yuck graphics card built into the cpu:(

    I just built something like this minus the wify card
    the hdd's & memory are not the exact same as I have, but that's pretty much my build and I love it! the last few days I have been playing bioshock infinite on ultra, and can play crysis 3 on ultra.

    I used to be a intel person, but the built in graphics card turned me off. So I went AMD and not looking back :p I don't regret going AMD at all, and probably go with AMD for future builds to.

  5. Sorry I didn't see this in my inbox! (darn you google, making me look like a flake :oops:)
    that literally looks like one of the best PC's I have seen, especially at that price! I didn't even know that they made 4 gig 760's, but I suppose that's the new line of the cards!
    whatever computer parts you decide on, best of luck building it!
  6. g
    After looking into the card some more i found out its just a gimmick, its not strong enough to even usethe full 4gb, so for now I'm going with a770 with two gb and I'll be upgrading later to a780.
    imBobertRobert likes this.