The EMC Survival Update!

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by IcecreamCow, Jun 18, 2013.

  1. Ok This update is not fun on smp9 R0bbieJo Ob1bob69 Tinkerbell28 333Kirby and Myself have been waiting for 5 HOURS!!!!! and not a single momentus or enraged anything just stupid reg mobs im not liking this at all replace the update!!!!!!
    333kirby and DemonThunder345 like this.
  2. Dude. Chill out. They are rare mobs…not supposed to be easy to find. And please take into account there are plenty of people who wish not to fight those mobs so the staff reduced the spawn rate for the new mobs.

    Also, why would you want this update replaced? :confused:
    PRO_G4NGST4 likes this.
  3. i liked it before too, unfortunately too many players were like (droopy dog voice)"boo boo boo boo this is so hard, emc is in hard mode now, im gonna go play super pony fun time island instead"

    also aside from mob arena i still havent seen a boss. trade me your luck complainers i want that bow/diamonds/heads/toothpick
  4. don't feel bad I had tryed for much longer to find ONE boss(still havent found one I gave up, and dont care to look any more) and now with aikars new nerf its hard to find enraged mobs... the complainers naysayers win again:(
    333kirby likes this.
  5. When the group I was with went out, we headed out into the wastelands and traveled out a bit. We made a base and just wandered around killing things and ourselves for heads to pass the time. There were a few hours between the two spawns I fought but it will eventually happen.
  6. I get that rare mobs are supposed to be rare, but not legendary, as they are now... At this point I think many players have given up searching simply because the chances are too low. I think the first version of the update pleased a lot more players than the revised version.
    smile3 and 333kirby like this.
  7. yes rare mobs you can find.... these are freaking legendary or epic rare mobs I havnt seen one in now 6 hours
    333kirby likes this.
  8. I cant believe what I have seen in this thread -_-
    607 and brickstrike like this.
  9. A decreased amount of these Boss Mobs, may be due to the fact that more players are looking for them. Not only is the spawn rate low; but there is a physical limit on how often they can spawn on the same server.
    607, jrm531 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  10. hmm enraged skeletons anything to do with this?
  11. also I died before and dropped my own head. lol its a head that's says ross350's head I have it if anyone would like to buy it?
  12. This update sounds great cant wait to see these more challenging mobs. I have one question though. Is this going to effect the difficulty of the mob arena?
  13. The new mobs might be found in the mobarena. But smp5 is actually already on Hard mode I believe
    mba2012 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  14. I'm kinda hoping this was a troll post...
    607, jkjkjk182 and brickstrike like this.
  15. so far the enraged skeletons seem to be loading in their own little 2x6 empty spaces. or maybe that's the the spaces I've been finding them in, they drop shiny arrows that look enchanted and the skeletons when close by have the words 'enraged skeleton' in red above their heads.
    That head drop thing was strange though, it was when I died to an enderman above some hoppers so the head was picked up.
    maybe endermen can take our heads off now? or maybe there is a chance we drop our heads when we die,
    I've been seeing more zombies in leather too and I think the reason i am seeing so much weird stuff is because I have the place pretty well lit up to avoid regular spawns, I'm on smp9
    also the enraged skeletons do not go away when you log off and log back in like regular evil mobs
  16. The current rates will be improved once I get the code fully back stable (I made some breaking changes so I literally can not do anything until its back working)

    Momentus and Marlix can spawn ONCE per server every few hours (they have different respawn rates)

    So, while you may be out there for 5 hours, someone else could of potentially got the spawn instead....

    Would everyone prefer the spawn messages be global for Momentus/Marlix spawns?
    mba2012 and ob1bob69 like this.
  17. No, I would rather have a server-wide sound like the wither does rather than a message.

    And you said you broke it, will it be fixed so people who are trying to find these new mobs don't have to go out for 5+ hours?
    brickstrike likes this.
  18. whats so great about these mobs anyway ?
  19. The reason I like them and maybe some others is it gives you something to go do with friends, have fun and get cool loot that not everyone has :)
    deathconn and chickeneer like this.
  20. If more people are out in other parts of world, very likely you will still need multiple hours, its all a luck game :)

    But we will tweak it until it feels right. Just give it some time.
    PandasEatRamen likes this.