The EMC Survival Update!

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by IcecreamCow, Jun 18, 2013.

  1. Its near impossible to create new items without players selling it.
    the only option would be to add a flag that says "Not Sellable"... but that offers zero benefit to EMC.

    A player valueing rupees over a Momentus Toothpick should not affect your judgement on what the item means to you.

    Each player has their desires, some want riches, some want items. This update was one of the best things we've done in a long time to provide both...

    Also -- Marlix is currently limited to Wastelands Wild only - but that will most likely change and also spawn in the Frontier, as it's kind of unfair to those who live far out in the frontier wild and can not easily access the wastelands.
    jrm531, PenguinDJ, darkvilla and 2 others like this.
  2. Dystopia will be a different world that is composed of nothing BUT enraged like mobs and more common rare spawns =P

    Dystopia will be the kind of place you work to build up "God Armor" as everyone likes to call it, then brave it on.
  3. Speaking only for myself, I'm indifferent to this. I like that EMC has economy features, and they're occasionally quite handy. It's nice that I can buy supplies if I want to - generally though, I'm the sort to go out and get what I need from the wild, on my own. Perhaps the best part of EMC's economic aspect is that it's entirely optional.

    Please don't misunderstand my posts. I actually think it's cool that you guys are adding new stuff in, even if I don't necessarily agree with the content. I get what you're aiming for, and honestly I do support it. As my initial posts show, I didn't care much for how ICC phrased his response, but I understand the theory behind it.

    As you say, it's all about options. So please, give us the option to encounter it. If we want adventure, thrill, and danger, we can go hunting in the wastelands. At least then we understand the risk we're taking. If we're trying to build in the Frontier wilderness and establish communities however, having Marlix drop by and murder everyone after travelling 20k blocks out is neither fun nor thrilling. It's frustrating - bad enough if you miss a step and fall down a chasm, or a creeper blows you up. That's default minecraft and dangerous enough in its own right, now moreso than before.

    And you know this because they tell us in advance. I've been lucky, stalking the forums and keeping a wary eye on what the new update brings. When I brave the wilds, I'll be prepared and understand the risks. New players will not. Players who ignore the forums will not. No matter what your intent here, keeping the entire content of this update a secret is not a good idea. Telling us "here are the new critters, here's what they can do, but they may drop special stuff" is far more acceptable than suddenly encountering a brand-new mob we've never heard of and die - what was it, Adderwolf, 17 times? - because we have no idea what they can do or how strong they are.
  4. Both of the Boss Mobs will not spawn right on top of you. You get a special message in chat when they spawn. Gives you plenty of time to stay away from them. Even if you encounter one in the wild. You should have no problem escaping it, if you don't engage it in battle. :)

    To clarify, we have no intentions of keeping all of the aspects of this update a secret Forever and Ever. As players discover, we will confirm their observations and also give some more detailed information. We might not break it down by percentages on what all items each boss mob will drop; but we will let you know.

    Also, Mojang actually doesn't announce all of the changes especially in snapshots. Most of the information on "what is new" is discovered by the Minecraft community and put together in an easy to read place such as the minecraft wiki.
    OrigamiJoe likes this.
  5. Back on topic-
    Me and brick were having fun with player heads :p
    penfoldex, jkjkjk182, Jcplugs and 4 others like this.
  6. Wow... This took a turn from new features. I have one suggestion: Eventually, can we maybe have some more varied Skeleton bows as drops? I know EMC added Unbreaking 3 Power 1 bows at full durability. Which is great! ...Until you have 15. Can we maybe get some more variety in the future? Thanks!
  7. make it harder, spawn more rare mobs more more more!!!!!

    Lately I have been just afk at a grinder of some sort while playing FTB, this update makes me want to go on an adventure and not just afk.

    Make the new bosses spawn in the frontier and make the mod density higher! Even with new mobs/bosses(haven fond a new boss but ya) the wild is to easy still with normal mode.
  8. This reminds me. Need to get heads for all of my accounts :D
    brickstrike and OrigamiJoe like this.
  9. Chicken made me feel at ease living in the wild with bosses. But i don't know if i like those exploding homing attack dogs yet. I can see them getting in my way of building. Also the thing that i'm scared of is riding in a minecart... Is it safe to with those dogs running around?
    R0bbieJo likes this.
  10. I take back my former comment, I just wish I could actually AFFORD something more then the half-used diamond armour I bought in my first month xD
    Now, when can I find time to go adventuring...
  11. I'm happy they dint make exploding nether bats :eek:
  12. what they should do is return the originally ender dragon on the smps for 5 minutes to see if anyone will kill it fast enough to get the egg :rolleyes:
    333kirby likes this.
  13. I have an awesome idea, which SHOULD BE taken into consideration, at this point in time, I am SICK & TIRED of the Nether Hounds. Not because they are dangerous (which they are not) but because they are THE biggest pain in the butt. Bigger annoyance than creepers. If you do not kill them, they die on their own, and not only does that damage you, but it destroys blocks! I have had to replace so many blocks due to its "griefing". There is nothing to prevent this, so please, either remove them, or take care of the "griefing" problem. Thank you
    333kirby and Kephras like this.
  14. I feel like the nether has turned into MW3 survival... Exploding dogs.l.
    bemvino87 likes this.
  15. I don't think they break nether brick, so there is probably other block they can not break. like ghast cant break cobble and other blocks.
  16. Well. Killed 3 netherhounds (2 of them were in lava :(), 2 raged zombies, and 1 raged skele. no heads or viruses, though. :(
  17. They can break it, before you post, please live it through rather than "guess", I have seen it...
  18. And this, my friends, is what happens when you try to get heads and you have lots of dogs.
    wisepsn, penfoldex, Jcplugs and 2 others like this.
  19. I hope that's true - if not, it would definitely be wise to make their explosions exactly as strong as a ghast's, so that already-made forts will still be grief-proof.
  20. Not sure about nether hounds, but what I've found is that you don't need to kill Enraged mobs to get heads/virus. I've gotten around 7 heads and 11-12 viruses, and most were from just normal mobs with a looting 3 sword. Enraged zombies do seem to drop heads more often than normal zombies, however.