A simple DragonCave thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by autumnrain26, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. Quick question, how many people have female CB blusang..?
  2. i have a funny story to tell today, since i started really getting into this, probably 5-6 months ago.. my husband has told me i'm crazy, he doesn't see the point to this stupid game... and made fun of me. lol, well, last night we were sitting in our living room, and i was searching the cave with my phone, he actually asked me what i was doing, and what the point was... i showed him the dragons, i told him which ones were rare, which ones were always there... ( i tried telling all this to him before, but he just shrugged it off and left the room like i was about to explode) lol, well, this time, he listened..

    ... we gathered our things to go to bed, and we lay in bed, and he opens his phone, goes to the cave, registers, goes around asking me which egg that was, and what they looked like, he picks his first few dragons.. my god, i wish i could have taken a video of it... he's now completely hooked and asked how the hell he was going to go through the day while at work, without looking at it.. this morning while making breakfast, i asked him if he remembered the things he told me before about this game, and he laughed. ... no one should be so fast as to judge something. lol, but i think its hilarious.

    i also have never seen any eggs of these, ever, besides the one you gave me, but its a male. i've been never ending looking for a female to go with it. >.<
    Lasluin likes this.
  3. LOL that's funny XD my lil cousin also found this stupid when I showed her and now is so addicted. I visited this thread a few times before joining myself, it's always good to get past the first opinion you get from things, or you could be missing something you might enjoy a lot.

    My only CB blusang is male >_<
    battmeghs likes this.
  4. Oh, so I finally nabbed a Jewel egg from the AP, just not the silver shimmer that I want.. xD
  5. A black, a vamp, a purebred second gen seragamma wyvern, my soul, or a silver tinsel. Or combinations of those.
    battmeghs likes this.
  6. lolol, what kind of black? or don't you know yet? .. and what about that red dorsal you got there? lol how'd you get that!
  7. Who here would trade a nebula egg for a metallic copper egg?

  8. I would, Ill breed one for you.
  9. I will.
  10. Don't know yet. I'm keeping the dorsal, snatched it from the ap. ill give you the next one I get. How about the tinsel + the seragamma?
    battmeghs likes this.
  11. just the tinsel, i don't need the seragamma. :)
  12. Hey look, a Dorkface.
  13. Nabbed a CB royal crimson :D
  14. i got this only after my second try, clearly, they are able to be obtained by breeding :D
  15. I provided evidence earlier about the red dorsal being breedable.. xD
    lol, AdventureQuest ad.. :p
  16. Has anyone seen CB coppers drop since the release? 0_0 I haven't, at all, I believe now one can get just any rare except CB coppers >_<
  17. What would you want for one of those Cheese dragons?
    EDIT: I had no idea Coppers were rare.
    collect12 likes this.
  18. I made my own dragon idea, and submitted it on the DragCave forums, and the admins accepted it!
    Demon Dragon.png
    This is a picture of it.
    collect12, jacob5089 and Lasluin like this.