A simple DragonCave thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by autumnrain26, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. i've been trying to get a hold of one of these for a while, grabbing every single black egg i see, JUST IN CASE ... this happens. lmao!
    Lasluin likes this.
  2. Does anyone think they have a good trade for this?
    I don't need another gold shimmer.
  3. The only bad thing about that shimmer is the slightly messy lineage. If it was son of your shimmer and a CB, it would be nicer, just for you to take into account if you ever want to offer it for a nice trade in the DC forums
  4. I'll make an offer...
  5. This thread, Its scary
  6. How so?
    boozle628 likes this.
  7. Why is it scary?
  8. Check out what I just got!
    penfoldex likes this.
  9. Very Cool...Gratz :D
  10. The purple one is so pretty, gratz!
  11. I'm back! I am now part of the silver club.
  12. question, how do i get a hold of a few of these ? ... i can only find these ones, .
    also, the same goes with ... i cannot acquire either, also, if anyone is wanting to get rid of a few of the following, i'd be glad to take them for you.
  13. Those are "alts" that are a bit rare, you can get them breeding their other forms. The copper ones I'm afraid that are now even more valuable than shimmers xD at least the CB. But I'm sure someone can breed you a 2nd gen of each. I'm locked right now >_<
  14. so i just breed to two and it will eventually make a at some point? you mean, or did i read that wrong? and is that also the same rules with
    Lasluin likes this.
  15. I missed when I had time for this maybe when summer vacation comes xD
  16. Those red eggs are a rare drop. You can't get them by breeding.
  17. That's it exactly. They actually show up in the AP every now and then but not very often. You can also try and get them from the cave, but both the original and the alt share descriptions. It's a lotto anyway xD but not as hard to win as the Black alt.
  18. That red dragon is found in cave only, if I'm correct. The purple one doesnt drop in the cave.
  19. battmeghs likes this.