Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by plasma131, Feb 7, 2013.

  1. Lol I don't like them like that either I find it more like a joke don't rate mine rate dylan's
  2. Signature pervy as hell =p
    AlexHallon and dylan_frenette like this.
  3. Yeas Yeas 6/10
  4. bump + 8/10
  5. 10/10 Because cookies.
  6. 8/10 ♥.♥ That Tron reference tho.
  7. 8/10 to manny ponays
  8. 8/10.
    And there's one.
    Jimbonothing64 likes this.
  9. 7/10
    creative I just don't like the theme
  10. 10/10 Love it!
    Jimbonothing64 likes this.
  11. 10/10! awesome.
    _Stads_ likes this.
  12. 7/10, they're used commonly.
  13. 8/10 like the spinning 3D effect but it kinda gets annoying after awhile.
    Edit- Ninja'd so 10/10 for nothingness.
  14. 10/10 because it seems like Jake
    Jake_bagby likes this.
  15. 9/10 Truedat
  16. 10/10 - Just beautiful! :D /sarcasm
  17. ohh really!:mad: show me another one!
  18. squigglyjeff used to have one a while ago.. exact same