[FORUM GAME] War Of The Planets!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jan 20, 2013.

  1. Kepler replies and ask's for some medi-dropships if you happen to have any
  2. Medi-dropships re intercepted. Equipped with bombs.
  3. I got unwatched on my own thread XD The Citidel creates a special computer that has secret coding.
  4. the citidel activates code 80 114 111 106 101 99 116 32 78 79 68 76 69 72 83.
  5. Sent. Protected under a cloaking system and shields.
  6. Mwa ha ha, the medi ships are rigged to blow. The airship dock is blown up. On Kepler that is
  7. How is It that they were rigged when you never came within a parsec of them?
  8. I have drones. All. Over. I am the main robotics planet.
  9. Kepler is attacked.
  10. By who?
  11. You are light-years away from knowing. Hint: It's The Citadel.
  12. Sends this to the Citadel: Click to receive the package here.
  13. I know what that is...
  14. I already lost my soul today :p
  15. Cube's planet has a adminium explosion.
  16. Lorien finishes out standing projects and starts work on a stronger base shield
  17. Dark matter guns and laser swords are developed.
  18. I don't think dark matter is allowed.
  19. The Lorien base shield is down for 3 post's for upgrades
  20. Lets just find out if dark matter is allowed, Princebee? What is your ruling?