2012 EMC Christmas Vote-a-thon!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by AlexC__, Dec 1, 2012.

  1. So if we already voted, but haven't taken the screenshots yet, we can do that and they will count?
    Also, is the limit 22 screenshot posts? Since christmas"ish" is still a nice few weeks away, thats easily five votes a day, so you'd only need to have 5 days of continuous voting. Just trying to make sure I got the rules read correctly.
  2. There's a limit of every 24 hours and it's currently just the one site - Minestatus. :) I am going to probably add some of the others soon though, then the limit will be raised.

    And you are required to have a screenshot after you've voted that correctly displays the date and time so I can confirm everything
  3. So should we be screenshotting all our votes so we can send you the pic for days before you add them to this contest?
  4. Huh?
  5. Yeah sorry, I was Skyping with about 6 people at once and playing MC lol... Basically what I'm asking is if we should start taking screenshots of other voting site votes to submit if and when you add them to this vote-a-thon. If you add the other voting sites to this can we submit any vote pics from within he contest times.
    Is that clearer?
  6. Ah - no, the other sites must be from when I announce it (if I do) and they must have a date :)
  7. Alrighty then :D
  8. Alright, as usual I have sorted through my PM's (feels like billions) xD If you haven't received a reply from me, please let me know but all entries should be up to date :)
  9. Nah that was a silly Idea, I do apologise
  10. I voted!
    RainbowChin likes this.
  11. As of now, we are at rank 30! We are getting closer to number 1 every day!
  12. Thanks! :) Remember to enter if you haven't already :)

    Yep! Our best is 24 or 23 and on the homepage - we can do it :)
  13. Also remember that comments help our score go up - I am counting them also. So you may screenshot :)
  14. Hang on what do you mean by comments adding to the score? Can we spam the server lists with "EMC IS AWESOME" and have the rank increase?
  15. You have to make an account though but please don't spam it :) Try and make it sound intelligent like most people have done on it :p Yes, it boosts the score
  16. Once again, I've gone through my PM's - if I missed one, please let me know :)
  17. Too complicated :|
  18. Okay, yeah I was joking about the spam thing... I'll comment a bit I guess and if we screenshot those do they count towards our total votes or not?
  19. Not really just start a pm with Alexhsnce with the title "Christmas Vote-a-thon 2012 - Chascarrillo" then in the first message say who you want your vote gift to be sent to. When you vote (if on PC) press the print screen button usually in the too right of the keyboard. Open MSPaint and press Ctrl + V pasting the screenshot. Make sure the date is visible and then your up to uploading. I am using google drive for mine as it means I can save all the images directly into a folder on my computer and then go to google drive on the web and it will give me a link to the image. There are other methods of uploading but google drive is in my opninion one of the best options.
    AlexChance likes this.
  20. I will count them as long as the name is the same as yours (or close) :)