EMC Dragon Tombs Info

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by IcecreamCow, Aug 27, 2012.

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  1. But you have to use Dragon eggs, which you get for killing the enderdragon, and the amount of eggs needed goes up by how much land you want.
  2. still...

    once more people get wind of the update, more people will claim land. Also, there will be a wall to overcome: griefers. they will create secret traps to steal your items, on their land, you cant tp in the wild. :eek:
  3. I Think it will be difficult to claim this land as it does require to get a number of eggs. The staff of EMC will make sure that it WILL NOT be easy to claim land in wild, but worth it once it is done.
  4. Correct, it certainly won't be cheap, and because of the rules which will be in place regarding where land can and cant be claimed you may never even run into someone else's claimed land in the wild. :p
  5. :) cool. and btw... love ur sig :p
  6. I know, but empire is what I call a "clean" server; there are not TOO many players, there are not people always cheating and trying to steal, the wild is not covered with claimed land and protected chests, and there is a point to playing on the server (look at ****minecraft, they give you 150 diamonds per day for voting :/).

    P.S. I starred out the main part of the server name :p

    P.S.S. Staff: you should get orebfuscuator
  7. I said it was a bad server though...
  8. -_-
  9. Thanks. I removed my posts about it and you can too :)
  10. Looks good to me.
  11. How about this being a PLANNED feature meaning it is not necessarily going to be implemented meaning its possible that it will not happen plus I am sure if it does the staff will make it so no one touches your stuff (considered griefing)
  12. First off, the land you can claim will be far far out in the wild. 5k from outposts at least. The ratio of land available to claim versus amount people can is huge - even if they have hundreds of dragon eggs. There's nearly infinite wild out there - and an egg isn't going to claim a drop in the bucket of it.

    I'm not completely sure I understand you or you understand a griefer. The main purpose behind a griefer is they want to steal stuff for low cost. They tear down your building to get the free materials.

    Someone griefing with a dragon egg has done two things - they've spent a fortune in rupees or a significant amount of time to acquire said egg, but more importantly....

    If they've set up a trap on their claimed land.. the land that only they (and those they give permission to) can build in... (which we as staff can see)... they won't be around to do it again. It comes back to the idea that a griefer doesn't plan on getting banned, they want to stealthily cause damage. The scenario you described above is as simple as /report playername trap on land in wild
  13. It's happening. End of November or early December is what I've heard.
  14. ok...
  15. I know! I thought to myself "That is one of the things you keep in your head."
  16. lawl
  17. this is beast i can't wait
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  18. You had better be ready, the comments are coming..... :)

    End of trolling

    Don't bump old threads, it ticks people off :p
    nfell2009 and mba2012 like this.
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