[Auction] Double Chest Nether Warts #3

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by The_Boulder, Nov 2, 2012.

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  1. * win the auction
  2. Watching the Texans play the Bills bump
  3. dying in the nether and losing all my awesome stuff bump :3 haah
  4. oh and 3100r!
    Dwight5273 likes this.
  5. I feel ya lost all my awesome armor ,Bow, 4enchanted sword 2days ago. If you need a Infinity bow go ask Sqiggleyjeff on smp9 he's got alot of them for a good price tell him i sent you if go.
  6. I had almost a dozen stacks of glowstone and full enchanted armor, not to mention i was 3k out. -.- but will do!
    Dwight5273 likes this.
  7. Haha forgot th check thread lol

    Winner of the Auction is Lusaras with a bid of 3100 I make a chest tomorrow so you can pick up and pay when got time
  8. Due to some events in game you win the auction with a bid of 3k, I set up chest next time I get on
  9. Hell yea!!!
    Dwight5273 likes this.
  10. So i won and not the other guy?
  11. Yes something happen and he can't calm the winnings can't say why via through thread I tell when you pick it up give me hour or so not at home at the moment
  12. also the access chest is ready to go just pay up and come get it at smp5 10240 ;)
  13. ive paid nd gathered the wart, thhanks for a great deal :)
  14. Np, this should last you awhile
  15. You know your profile picture? (Random question bye the way) is that guy really you?
  16. Yep
  17. I wanted to bid 10k :(
  18. Haha give 3 days or so I have another dbchest of warts auction
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