EMC First Survival Games

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by ShadowKman, Sep 27, 2012.

  1. Is there any chance I could go in or help with anything???
  2. and r u aloud to spectate if so what the ip
  3. Can't announce the IP here. If you would like to spectate please PM me.
  4. Any idea of when the event will be?
    I'm really eager to play for SMP3...
  5. Yeah kman really needs to set a date for it.
  6. Let's say it is when the arena is completely finished. Then we will have a date.
  7. When can i play!!
  8. Seems....interesting.
  9. did you sign up origionally? all slots have been taken. however, you can spectate if you would like.
  10. Oh Yay! What server hoster you using?
  11. 1998golfer's server host LOL
    running on 20gb of RAM and an intel i5 2500k oc'ed
  12. Aha Nice! Costs? xD
  13. costs?
  14. Like can I hire one?
  15. Oh, haha no. its not on 24/7 'cuz my parents make me turn it off at night, but some nights it stays on.
  16. lol, I would host a 24/7 off my computer but my parents are the same :/
  17. yup... parents are like that :/
    nfell2009 likes this.
  18. Hey Kman is the arena almost done?
  19. The arena is done. Time to start scheduling! I was thinking sometime this week. I'm off all week.
    AlexHallon likes this.
  20. Count me in for this week! :D