One million rupee giveaway!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by LZBZ_DW, Oct 2, 2012.

  1. IS it in like 1 hour?
  2. 1hr 20 mins!
  3. smp7 is full...
  4. i love being a supporter, just for getting on at peak events like this.
  5. I am SO pissed off now...
  6. I was on, got kicked ._.
  7. AndrewBuchinger has requested that all supporters log off smp7 until about 15 mins till the event so that we can get as many non supporters on there as possible.
    yankees518 and Bugmo1207 like this.
  8. Please say that, I have no way on ._.
  9. Yankees no one is gonna listen to me. Andrew himself has logged on there and there is still people there...and he's a mod.
  10. Wow 30 more mins and the server is full lol. Looks like i just need to keep on trying to connect and hopfully get lucky and get on. :(
  11. Never mind there is 70 people on.
  12. Woops. Scratch that. The supporters that were hanging out on smp3 on his residence were allowed to come on smp7. :/
  13. i got kicked somehow and now im not going to get anything!
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  14. If you stayed in one spot too long that happens when the servers start to get filled.
    topdawg657 likes this.
  15. i moved around every 5 minutes
  16. Guess for lucky people on there have fun :) odds of me getting on and coming to it is very slim :/
  17. wow i went to go get me some lunch thinking it was 5 till 2 ... not its 5 till 3 ... so came in here - it's already 20 people over the 60 limit
  18. Yeah it was full 30 minutes ago.
  19. awww shucks, i wanted to be on :(
  20. 78 players online haha!!!